Question for mommies with twin girls

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marchtwins, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member


    I'm going to a party for twin girls' first b-day, and I'm looking for opinions on the gift idea I have.

    I was thinking of either getting two play purses or 1 play purse and 1 play tea set. I'm leaning toward buying 2 purses so they can each have one, but is it boring to bring 2 of the same item?

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    Thank you in advance :D
  2. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    My girls share most toys but we do have two of things that I would think we need two of (glow worms, teddy bears, and other things like that) For their first birthday they mostly got clothes and a few bigger toys. Something like a purse may cause a fuss if there was only one (at least with my girls, lol). I don't think it's boring to bring the same thing. Can you get it in different colors? That way they could distinguish who's is who's.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls get a lot of duplicate things (or the same thing in different colors) and I don't mind. I think little play purses are so cute and those girls will use them for a long time!
  4. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    hmm at 1 yrs old you can get away with 2 different items -one purse, tea set----i would do a teas set and some dress up clothes---big floppy dress hats, bags, ect--the dollar store is great for that stuff!
  5. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I'm really into wooden toys. They make some great wood musical instruments and a few of each of those would be fun. Just steer clear of the drums! Actually, the drums are fun, but one of mine is obsessed and can play it for hours....makes me a little :crazy: after a while.
  6. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    We just had our girl's 1st b-day. They got a good mix of clothes and toys. I love the same clothes, but different colors. As they get older, they'll love having their own purse. Right now, they won't care and will probably never play with them at the same time. Mine never play with 2 of the same toy at the same time right now. I don't think you can go wrong either way.
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i didn't read other posts. but it's very nice to have 2 of the same type of item but different colors. that way, they aren't fighting over the one purse and the parent can identify whether or not one child "borrowed" the wrong purse.

    Depending on the tea set, i would wait on the tea set for another year or 2 till they are better at pouring and managing and avoiding breakage. If it's a metal tea set, go for it. Porcelain needs to wait till they are 4 IMO.

    Dress up clothes are great --esp princess crowns, plastic jewelry, and ballerina type outfits. they will get alot of use out of that.
  8. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I love the idea of 2 play purses!
    Mine would have LOVED that :good:

    I do like getting 2 of the same things on quite a few things ~ leaves less room for arguing! :lol:
  9. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I guess I am the odd man out here, although my twins are boy/girl, I would always prefer 2 different gifts (except for teddy bears or sippy cups etc, where you may need two), I am trying hard to teach mine to share and wait their turn, and I would rather have different toys to keep them entertained then two of the same - IMHO.
  10. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    In the case of purses I'd buy them each their own. It is silly to buy 2 of the same for some toys (like a tea set that they can share) but they both can't hold a purse at the same time so that's why I'd go with two.
  11. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP's two purses sounds like a great idea [maybe just different color or slightly different style].

    As far as tea sets go.. It'd really depend on the tea set.. and I'd look for it to be quite large scaled for a one year old - seeing that they still put things in their mouths. If they have a play area/play room at home then that might be a good idea. If my girls were given a tea set I wouldn't know what to do with it cause the living room is their 'play room' and also the family room/living area. It's a huge mess as it is most of the time, lol.
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