Question about tubal ligation

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by longing2bpg, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. longing2bpg

    longing2bpg Active Member

    I will probably be having a csection and will get tubes tied at the time. I was wondering if anyone here has had that done and what should I expect as far as pain and recovery time.
  2. rasheedad123

    rasheedad123 Active Member

    I had a C/S with this pregnancy and a tubal ligation. I would say that it was about the same for me as with my first DS. I didnt receive any different instructions than with the first. No driving for 2 weeks, etc. Minus my bout with hemorrhaging after 2 weeks, it felt the same for me. It sucks having a C/S versus a vaginal(with my second DS) IMO!! <_<
  3. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i had a c section but had the tubal done one yr later. the tubal recovery seemed to be more painful than the csection recovery, probably b/c part of the recovery time on the csect i was still on the walking epidural.
  4. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I had both at the same time. My first delivery was vaginal so this was my only c-sect. It seemed to be fine to do them both together. I don't think the tubal added anything much in terms of recovery.
  5. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    I had two c-s and a tubal with the second. I think the immediate recovery was the same as with the first, but I have noticed more cramping and even ovulation type pain since then. Of course, I was pretty much on the pill or trying to get pg, or pg, so this is the first time on no hormones for me. This will make things different, I'm sure. The key to recovery from a c-s, IMO, is to walk in the hospital. Your first few steps you'll hate it, but then it really does get better fast. Even to and from the bathroom in the hospital room is better on the way back!! Good luck.
  6. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    I was scared to death about having mine done. I had our girls on a Saturday and the tubal on the following Monday. The nurses were really nice and talked to me as they worked on getting my information straight. This helped me calm down tremendously. Well, after they got in my IV, I think that I was awake about 10 minutes and the meds they put in the IV had knocked me out. The next thing I remember is a nurse asking me if I was cold and gave me another blanket. I was drowsy for about an hour, but was up and moving with 2 hours after surgery.

    I had our girls natural so I didn't have to worry about that incision, and the only thing that I had to take care of was my belly button. The incision was about 1/2 inch long with 2 stitches. That is where they cut in to do the tubal, which I didn't know until the day I went in to deliver. That is why I was so scared. I have always had a sensitive belly button. There really wasn't any pain at all but I had a few cramps that felt the same as the ones after giving birth. (Sorry if TMI) My first period was a little heavy but mine has gotten shorter. It used to last 6 to 7 days. Now it is about 4 to 5 days long. I'm all good with that :D .

    I still kind of wish in a way that I had not gone with the tubal tho. I have 5 kids I know :rolleyes: --- but I still want more ;) . Maybe we will adopt--lol.

    I hope all things go well!
    Lots of love!
  7. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I had 2 c/s deliveries and a tubal at the second. I had no problems whatsoever from adding the tubal on to the c/s.
  8. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    Given that it's all done through the same incision, your recovery or pain should be no different than from just a c-section.
  9. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    i had two c sections and a tubal with the second. My recovery was actually better this time around. I had alot of trouble with the c section. One of the things i was told before going back to the operating room on the tubal was that some women experience more pain during periods due to cramping and such. Which ive always had horrible cramping to begin with so that didnt phase me....but my first period came along and i didnt even know i had started till i went to the bathroom....the entire cycle was easy going. Im gearing up for my second cycle or should be and normally by now id be cramping like crazy and still nothing. So im really glad i got mine helped that and i really dont want to try for 3 sets of twins...YIKES.

    Good luck!
  10. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    I had a c-section and they wouldn't go the tubal the same day since it was classed as an emergency. I had one 6 months later. Its was super easy. Mild discomfort..not all as bad as I expected. I was put completely under(hate it), and I had them cut out and burn in two spots. The doc said 0 chance of them ever healing. One cut in c-section scar another below belly button.
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a c-section and a tubal done during the same time. The nurses told me that I would have more pain since I had 2 surgeries done. Since this was my first and last pregnancy, it did not seem so bad. It probably took me three weeks to be pain free and to be able to move freely, not sure if that is standard for a c-section alone or not. It really was not that bad, though.
  12. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had a tubal with the c. My other 3 births were vaginal, so I can't really compare! The c-section was a rough recovery for me compared to my vaginal births.
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