question about the 15 month appt.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    So my girls had their 15 mo appt. on Wed. It went well, They are both just over 26 lbs. and 32 in (although we swear Lorien is taller than Arwen so I'm pretty sure they didn't measure accurately). They are in the 90th percentiles for both their weight and height. YAY!!

    They got 3 shots that day. I'm not sure if I heard the Dr. correctly when he was talking about the shots because I was busy consoling the girls who were hysterically crying from their exam (and of course I'm by myself <_< ). I thought I heard him say that they won't be cranky or irritable from the shots but he could have said the complete opposite. Well, they are extrodinarliy cranky but they are also teething pretty intensely so I don't know if it's the teething alone or if it's partly from the shots. What was your experience with their 15 month shots?
  2. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    Hannah and Sarah's appt. was Wed, and I remember over the din of tears that she did say crankiness was a side effect of the shot. I think my girls got a combo of the chickenpox and HiB vaccines, if that's what yours got. Mine have not been cranky at all, though they have a nasty bump where the shot went in.
  3. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    My twins aren't 15 months old yet, but from my older daughter, there were some shots that made her much more cranky than others. I think the MMR was one, and I think that's at 15 mos., but can't remember. The crankiness after was more based on what shot she had. I don't remember it ever lasting more than that day, though, so maybe it's just the teeth which will break through soon (I hope for you - I was up all night the other night with teeth).
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We got different shots at 15 months than the normal course. But my pedi always gives a detailed sheet explaining what immunizations were done and what to watch for, what we should expect, etc.

    I would call and ask...does our pedi have a nurse line?

    And wow, they are big girls!! At 15m3w, mine were 19lb12oz/30 3/4 inches, and 20lb9oz/31 inches.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I know, I have big girls. They have pretty much always been the 90th percentile since about 4 months. At the 9 month appt. Arwen was "off the charts" for weight. :lol:
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We didn't get any shots at 15 months -- we got some big ones at 12 months and some smaller ones at 18. The 12-month ones, the doctor said they could have a reaction up to 14 days afterwards (I think that was for the chicken pox and the MMR). I never saw a real reaction, but whether it was coincidental or not, Amy did have a really cranky day almost exactly 2 weeks after the shots. We didn't notice anything from the 18 month ones.

    My ped also always gives us a lot of handouts -- one for each shot, plus a bunch of developmental ones. Did you get anything like this?
  7. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    I think most of the shots can make them cranky. We always make sure they get acetaminophen immediately. The only reaction we had from the 15 months shots was that Regan had a reaction to the MMR/Chickenpox shot. Exactly one week after the shot she broke out in small red spots all over her body. It was a reaction to the MMR part of the shot. She didn't have any fever or blisters. I was expecting her to react to the chickenpox a week later, but she never did. Also, they both got scrape-like sores on their bellies that I was told was a reaction to the shot also. It was strange because the "scrapes" were in the exact same place on each of them and looked exactly alike. They were pretty tender and you could tell they bothered them if it was touched.
  8. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    We haven't had our 15 month appt. yet, but i do remember our doctor telling us that they shots they would be getting during that visit would be pretty big and to give them tylenol right before our appointment. Hope this helps!
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