Question about teeth

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rose524, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    My babies are 16 months old. DS has about 10 teeth, the first one appeared when he was about 7 months old.

    My DD has only two (the bottom middle ones), and those only appeared at 12 months. Ped was not overly concerned at 15 month visit, and said the others should be popping out, gums are swollen, etc.

    But now at 16 months, there are still no others showing. Her gums are very hard and swollen - it feels like there are teeth under the gum, but what do I know - I'm not a dentist...

    So I called the ped today and they said they could refer me to a pediatric dentist and I have an appointment next Wednesday. I just need some reassurance from a dentist that, yes, she does have teeth and will not need baby dentures (only half joking - can you tell I'm worried... :( )

    Anyway, I suppose I will know next week at the dentist appointment, but am looking for any stories of late bloomers in this regard...Thanks in advance.
  2. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    My son was 13 months before he sprouted his first tooth. I think at 18 months, he only had 4 and then got 6 at once. Just went to the dentist the other day and at 2 yrs 3 months, he has all the teeth "he should have", but many are not even close to being fully in.
  3. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much. Brooke didn't get her first tooth until she was 16 months and we really thought Natalie was going to need baby dentures because she didn't get her first tooth until 18 months !!! Yes 18 months. When we asked our pedi about it around 12 months, he said he wouldn't be concerned until around 18 months, because he has seen them come that late. Well Natalie didn't break any record books and finally got some teeth. He told us that if we were that worried about it, we could always have xrays of her gums done, but I wasn't going to be concerned about it until after the 18 months and as it turned out, we didn't need to be worried about it.
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We were late teethers too. We didn't have teeth until 11 months...when both got their bottom two.

    At 14 months they got 4 more each.

    Now, at 18 months they have their molars and front 8, but are missing their eye teeth (though I have my suspicions that Joe's will break through any day....he's been a fountain of drool).
  5. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I'm so gald you asked about this. This too has been on my mind lately. My B/G twins are 16 mos. old. Lilly has 8 front teeth ( 4 on top 4 on bottom) in addition she has about 6 molars. While Anderson has 8 front teeth only, not one molar! is that normal ??
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