Question about starting milk

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AshleyLD, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Okay.. So they babies were supposed to have their one year appt today and the peds office called to reschedule me.. Grrr.. They said that i could come but we would be waiting for almost 2 hours! I made this appt a freaking month ago! Now its not for another month!

    Anyhow. At thier 9 month appt the Dr said that they should be fine starting milk at 1 year even if they are on Nutramagen. They have had milk in food like mac n cheese and pancakes. and they didnt have any problems.

    How do you think i should start the milk? Half formula (nutramagen) and half milk or just go full milk?

  2. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Great question, we are on the Alimentum and I am afraid to go cold turkey as I don't want reflux to return. Can't wait to see some responses.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Milk tastes way different than formula so I'd make it a gradual transition. That way, the twins might not even notice the difference. We replaced one oz of room-temp formula in their bottle with one oz of cold milk every 2-3 days. After about 2 weeks, they were drinking straight milk. Good luck!
  4. juliereynolds42

    juliereynolds42 Well-Known Member

    Our pediatrician wanted one of my twins to keep drinking formula after her 1st birthday for nutritional reasons. She suggested that we keep giving formula to K in a bottle and to give milk in a cup. This worked well for us because K still got the nutrition she needed but at the same time got used to milk. It also made it easier to give up the bottles later.
  5. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(juliereynolds42 @ Sep 5 2008, 02:18 PM) [snapback]965546[/snapback]
    Our pediatrician wanted one of my twins to keep drinking formula after her 1st birthday for nutritional reasons. She suggested that we keep giving formula to K in a bottle and to give milk in a cup. This worked well for us because K still got the nutrition she needed but at the same time got used to milk. It also made it easier to give up the bottles later.

    Was this because she was small? My DD is only 18.5 lbs.. She seems to be stuck at this weight.. And MAN does that little girl EAT!! But only healthy.. Maybe i should try to fatten her up? (jk)
  6. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I think the gradual method is a good one. I nursed my boys and at 12 months got that down to just twice a day with bottles or sippies of formula the rest of the time. When we tried to switch to whole milk they had bad diahhrea and diaper rash. I continued with the nursing/formula until they were over 13 months and then we did 3/4 formula, 1/4 milk for a few days, then 1/2 and 1/2, and so on. They didn't have any reactions doing it that way. :)
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    We have started the transition by doing milk in the cup and formula in the bottle. My plan is to gradually cut out each bottle and replace it with a cup of milk. It took awhile for the babies (especially DD) to drink the milk as it does have a different taste. The last few days I have mixed a little pediasure with the milk to make it sweeter and she drinks it much easier.
  8. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    My girls were on Nutramigen too. Please be careful introducing dairy! I started with yogurt and cheese instead of milk and they immediately stopped sleeping through the night, got double ear infections and moaned and groaned all night. We eliminated all dairy and within 3 days they were back to their normal selves. We reintroduced the dairy and all the symptoms came back so we eliminated it completely. We never did try milk with them. Later, we found out they were allergic to dairy along with wheat, beef, eggs, squash and bananas.
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