Question about Same Sex/Same Size Twins

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by BRMommy, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    How do you sort the laundry for your same sex/same size twins? My boys have always worn the same clothing size. So I just had one closet and one dresser for them and all the clothes were shared. They are about to outgrow their shared dresser, and I am getting them one each. But I'm not sure how to sort the clothes between the two of them because I've never had to do it!

    Do you buy them the same outfits and label each one with a name? Or do you color code them so that greens are always twin A's and blue is always twin B's? Or do you just let them fold their own laundry and let them sort it out between themselves (my preferred choice :))
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls each have their own room with their own dresers. They also share some clothing, but some are too big or too small depending on which girl i'm talking about so it is her sisters. When I fold the laundry, I try and separate the stuff that is for one girl into her room's dresser. But the shared stuff goes into which ever dresser is either closer or has more room..
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls wear the same size in some stuff but are still at this time dressing the same. It's their choice and the did about a month of dressing different before going back
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My boys are in the same size and they share clothes. We have two dressers in their room with one drawer for socks & underwear, two for pants, two for shirts, and one for pajama's. The other drawers have extra sheets, swimsuits, winter clothes and other misc. stuff. They pick out their own clothes so maybe they know what shirt belongs to whom?
  5. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    We do like Katheros, all the socks are all together, all the t-shirts, etc.
    However you could also do what we do in our house, all the folded laundry goes on the bed and THEY have to put them away. So just leave it up to them to decide who's is what and where it goes.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We also have two dressers. One to hold socks, dance stuff, tights, leggings, etc, and the other to hold shirts, jeans, and jammies. They share all of their clothing. They have some things that they know are their own individual clothes, but for the most part, all clothing is shared.
  7. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I still put the girls clothes together. Like others, socks/undies in one drawer, pj's in another, 2 drawers for pants/sweats/capris..... you get the idea. They still share almost all clothes (minus shirts because one prefers pink and the other hates pink), but pants, socks, undies....all shared.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My girls are the same size and share a room that has 2 dressers, plus a nightstand with 2 good sized drawers. I, for the most part, have a summer dresser and a winter dresser, but all the clothing is shared. Right now, all the clothing comes from the winter dresser or closet (unless we happen to go swimming). :)
  9. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies! I'm going to take your suggestion and have my boys continue to share their clothes instead of trying to sort between them. I mean, what was I thinking! I have better things to do than to label every piece of sock and shirt so I know who's it is.

    Until I had twins, I couldn't imagine that two people would share the same underwear! :eek: But now that I live in the land of twins, it seems so normal and makes so much more sense. :D
  10. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    My go tru times they are the same size. At that point the items I know are whose gets puts into the "correct" place. if we are talking pants socks that sort, I just split and put into separate drawers. They will know whose is whose and either tell me I am wrong or say "daddy is so silly" when he gets it wrong. Occasionally I will ask and when I fold laundry they help to put them away.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My girls still share most of their clothes, except that Amy has recently shot up and is now 3" taller than her sister. So I have to separate their pants and shirts so Amy's wrists and ankles aren't always hanging out! But otherwise, we keep everything together.

    Although they technically share most everything, there are certain things that only Sarah wears and other things that only Amy wears. They made these decisions pretty much on their own. They are getting separate bedrooms in a year or so when we finish our renovation, and it will be interesting to see how that shakes out with the clothes, but I'm figuring they will work it out between them somehow.
  12. kim01

    kim01 Well-Known Member

    my boys are the same size and have alot of the same clothes. i hang everything up,hate folding clothes. the boys have drawers under their beds for pj's and socks,undies, everything else is hung up. I wash and dry laundry and they must hang their stuff up. they are curently sharing a room (their choice) so they hang some clothes in 1 closet. most of the clothes are shared but they do have some that they each know is their own such as a shirt, pants,or pj's they picked out. we have done it like this for years.
  13. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I think my twins would have the same kind of breakdown we had when we tried putting them in separate rooms if we didn't let them share clothes. As it is we have 2 twin beds in their room and they sleep in the same one. wish I could get them to stop doing that!
  14. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    The girls share jeans but shirts they have their own style.
  15. SuzyHolland

    SuzyHolland Well-Known Member

    they have there own clothes.
    Different colours - styles
  16. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    My girls share a dresser but each has their own designated drawers. But to separate the clothing we have two hampers in their room.
  17. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    They deal with it themselves!!!! :good:
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