question about morning sippies of milk

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    When my girls had bottles, they would drink 8 oz when they first woke up. Now that they are drinking from sippies, they are not downing 8 oz like they used to. Lorien will drink about half right away and Arwen maybe 1/4. Then about 15 min or so after I give them the sippies, Arwen is giving me the sign for eat. So I feel I have to feed them. Wouldn't it be cruel to not? When they had their bottles, it would hold them over for about 1 1/2 hours but not now. I worry that if I offer it to them WITH their bfast that they might drink even less of it. Some days I feed them cereal with milk for bfast so they get some milk there but how do you get them to drink so much milk while they are eating? Does it just take time? Should I feed them bfast first thing in the am when they wake and give them the sippy with their food? Guess I just want to know how it worked for you. TIA
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Okay, so you know that I JUST switched to sippies but I just wanted to tell you this anyway. I was VERY concerned about the same thing since Emma was a big chugger when she woke. Before I even switched, I decided to feed them breakfast first thing and it's been working well for us (even though it's only been three days - I know, I know). I make their breakfast before I get them out of bed so they go straight to the highchair, eat and then off to play. They will take some milk with breakfast but I have been waiting about an hour after breakfast and they both chug the whole cup right down.

    Like I said, I know I am new at this, and it's only been a few days but I am pleasantly surprised that it hasn't been harder. There's my two cents!! :)
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What we do is when Emilie and Trevor get up I give them a sippy of milk and they are very happy to get it. Then I feed them breakfast about 30-45 min. after they have been up and I give them their sippy of milk with breakfast as well. Sometimes I do put more in before breakfast sometimes I don't, it just depends how much they drank.

    Mine are just now starting to drink a good bit while they are eating. I think it's definitely something that happens over time. But I would continue to offer the sippy of milk when they wake up, I am sure they are thirsty after sleeping, I know I always am.

    Just do what works best for all of you.
  4. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    I give them sippies of milk when they wake up. Somtimes they guzzle it right down and other days they don't. We have breakfast about 1/2 hour later and they continue to drink it then also and even want more on some days.
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    OK, so I am even less time in than Michelle, but we've started doing breakfast and sippies when they first get up. This way, they are in their high chairs while I am getting everything else ready to leave for the day. (They just have the sippies if I am out of the room.)
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine hardly drink any milk at breakfast. I always offer it, and I think they find it comforting to know it will be there, but I only pour an ounce or two, because that's all they drink. They go straight from bed to breakfast and put away lots of eggs, yogurts, waffles, etc.

    It was kind of inconvenient at first to have to get breakfast ready first thing in the morning, but now we're all used to the routine. They wake up, their chattering wakes us up, then we get up and make breakfast BEFORE getting them out of bed.

    Mine still only drink 6-8 oz of milk a day (and the vast majority of that at dinner & bedtime), but that's OK -- they get plenty of calcium from cheese & yogurt.
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I feed my guys first thing when they get up in order to eliminate the loss of bottle thing. As they grow they won't need the breakfast right away either but for now, I would feed them right away. Don't be surprised if they need a snack too at like 10 and another after lunch too. :) Good luck, Melanie!
  8. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    We give our guys sippies right after we change their diaper when they wake. I sit them both in my lap and they both get a leg and I watch 15 min. or so of the local news... then they get down and play a bit. About 30-60 min. after waking they eat breakfast and it has worked just fine...
    take care-
  9. texastwinks

    texastwinks Well-Known Member

    I give them a sippie of milk while I'm getting breakfast ready. At almost two, my two still have good days and bad days when it comes to drinking their milk. I've always tried to make sure they get some cheese, yogurt or some other similar product throughout the day to kinda make up for any they may have lacked at breakfast. HTH!
  10. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We dropped bottles around 13 months. At first the boys didn't drink anywhere near the 20-oz they were getting before. Just in the last month I'd say their intake has really gone up. Their intake ranges from day to day, but overall, I'd say they are getting about 15 oz. of milk a day. Mine were NEVER big drinkers, even on bottles, but when we first switched to sippies I'd say I was lucky if they took 3-4 oz. of milk a day. Once we'd been on them a month or so, it was probably around 6-7 oz. a day.

    As far as routine goes, we also do breakfast first thing. They get their sippy with breakfast, then, once bfast is over, I give them their sippy to snack on for an extra 20-minutes or so. If they really chugged during bfast sometimes I don't bother with this (they are pretty flexible about it). Same thing at lunch and dinner...if I feel they didn't really get much, I'll let them work on it some more afterwards. Also, on low days I may offer milk at their snacks instead of water (or extremely diluted juice).

    Overall, I think you'll see a trend that they are getting more and more...but remember, the goal is to have most of their calories come from food, not bottles/sippies. Supplement their diet with additional yogurt & cheese in the'll get there!

    ETA: When we dropped bottles, we also upped the ante on the snacks. I still have mine eating about every couple of hours. If they didn't eat well at breakfast I'll leave out whatever leftovers are counter-safe and let them graze on it (fruit, bread, etc) to keep their energy/mood stable until the next meal/snack.
  11. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    What we do here is give them a sippy of milk first thing in the morning. They don't chug it right down, but they didn't really ever chug their bottle either. I give them about a hr to drink their milk then we do breakfast. My girls never liked to eat right away after they wake up, they are to much like their mother. :)
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine eat breakfast about 30 minutes after they get up, and I give them a sippy of milk about halfway through breakfast. Lily always chugs down 7 ounces as soon as she gets the sippy. Grace drinks a bit when she gets it, finishes eating, then chugs the rest.
  13. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We go straight to breakfast when we wake up (well, we do change diapers first!), and just give a cup of milk at the same time, which is what we've done since about 11-12 months or so. Since my husband and I both work full time, the only way to get them fed before work is to do it when they first wake up, so I'm not sure what schedule we'd have arrived at if I were a SAHM. When we first switched to sippies, yes, definitely milk consumption went way down, but that's OK because they were also getting more nutrition from the foods we were eating. (From about 12-18 months, our primary breakfast item was yogurt mixed with chopped fruit, so they were still getting plenty of dairy goodness.) After a month or so I'd say their milk consumption was right back up there. I really wouldn't worry about them drinking less, and I'd just go with the flow (no pun intended ;)).
  14. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    I feed my guys first thing when they get up in order to eliminate the loss of bottle thing. As they grow they won't need the breakfast right away either but for now, I would feed them right away. Don't be surprised if they need a snack too at like 10 and another after lunch too. Good luck, Melanie!

    Same thing here. I also give them a little yogurt with their cereal and fruit. I was suprised at how much they ate in the morning along with chuggin down their milk. Then they also get a snack right before naptime. Lunch after nap, snack and dinner. I give them three 6 oz sippies with main meals.
  15. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I give them sippies of milk when they wake up. Somtimes they guzzle it right down and other days they don't. We have breakfast about 1/2 hour later and they continue to drink it then also and even want more on some days.

  16. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Don't be surprised if they need a snack too at like 10 and another after lunch too.

    I do give mine a snack between 9:30-10am and then after nap around 3-3:30.
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