question about little boys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kgroharing, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. kgroharing

    kgroharing Active Member

    i have kind of a delicate question about my little boy--he's 13 months old and i noticed that over the past couple of days the foreskin around his penis is red and swollen. he's had diaper rash before, but this is different. it seems to be confined to just this area and it isn't irritated or sore? anyone have some insight on this private little matter.
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Do you pull it back at bathtime and wash it? Sometimes I think it can get irritated if it gets gunky from diaper cream, etc. Also it can get readhered in places if you don't pull it back to clean it routinely. I would make sure you can pull the skin back and see a bright red ring where they did the circ and just make sure to clean it really well. You can also put some vaseline on it after you pull it back. HTH.
  3. kgroharing

    kgroharing Active Member

    yeah, we do pull it back every night in the tub, so i'm not sure what the problem is?
  4. 2twinboys

    2twinboys Well-Known Member

    Every so often my little guys get just what you are describing - a bright red patch of irritated skin on their penis. I figure it is just a little localized diaper rash type-of-thing....maybe the penis was getting squashed by the diaper or they sat too long in a wet diaper or something. At any rate, I always put a dab of cream (Balmex or Vaseline) on it and it goes away pretty quickly.
  5. mandmtwinmommy

    mandmtwinmommy Well-Known Member

    We get something similar every so often - we are able to clear it up with diaper cream in the localized area.

    We do not pull back the forskin and clean as our ped told us not to until they are 3 or 4. Webmd also has that info Caring For Your Young Son's Uncircumcised Penis

    Good Luck and I hope it gets better soon.
  6. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    hi! Luke had that in the middle of the night one night and was screaming when i tried to change his diaper.. we took him in 1st thing and they said he had an infection in the foreskin.. like a little skin infection. It cleared up after a few days.
  7. kgroharing

    kgroharing Active Member

    We do not pull back the forskin and clean as our ped told us not to until they are 3 or 4. Webmd also has that info Caring For Your Young Son's Uncircumcised Penis

    Our son is circumcised, and our ped has told us from the 2 wk visit on to pull it back and clean to keep crust from building up and possibly undoing the circumcision(a possibility early on). We don't have to force the skin back--it slides back quite easily.
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    My little guy gets it once in awhile. We put a little "Butt Paste" on it and it usually better by the next day.
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