Question about Identicals

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by beckman445, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    We had a peri appt. today (I'm 16 weeks). All along we've been told fraternal because they were in their own sacs - and they're in-vitro babies and we had 2 embryos implanted.

    Today, the peri told us they could still be identical. They're in their own sacs and have their own placentas. I haven't done much research since we assumed they were fraternal. Anybody have experience with this and they were identical??

    We are also pretty sure we saw little "packages" ;) on both babies today, so then I wonder even more if maybe they're identical.

  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    They could be identical and have their own sacs & placentas, but chances are that they are fraternal. I KNOW we have a moderator here who did IVF and got identicals. (in other words, one embryo didn't survive but the other one split - could have been triplets) It would be rare that they would be identical. Congrats on your twins!
  3. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I am in the same position as you. We transfered two embryos and are pregnant with twins so my OB believes that they are most likely fraternal. However, it's posssible that one embryo split early enough for both babies to have their own placentas and sacs. So basically there is a small chance that only on embryo implanted and that embryo split into identical twins.

    My current understanding is that unless you are having boy/girl twins you ca't be 100% sure until the birth. If the babies have different blood types, hair color, ect, then you know. Otherwise, either you need to wait and see if they look alike or pay to have DNA testing done.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dowlinal @ Mar 17 2009, 05:50 PM) [snapback]1232999[/snapback]
    My current understanding is that unless you are having boy/girl twins you ca't be 100% sure until the birth. If the babies have different blood types, hair color, ect, then you know. Otherwise, either you need to wait and see if they look alike or pay to have DNA testing done.

    That's exactly right!! I didn't do IVF, but I could have sworn that my boys were fraternal. At 16 months, I finally did the DNA test and they are identical. Anything is possible! BTW: Congrats on the "packages"!
  5. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    even babies that don't look "identical" can still be. unless once comes out with blond hair blue eyes and the other with black hair and brown eyes, I'd have them tested if they are same sex. Someone once told me that ID twins always have the same eye color and the same hair color but everything else COULD be different about them... Good Luck and Congrats!
  6. kittymum

    kittymum Well-Known Member

    We were told the same thing. I am having di/di girls and have been told there is about a 20% chance of them being identical, most likely fraternal though.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I think I read that 25% of identicals are di-di (separate sacs and placentas).
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with PP's, they can each be in their own sac with their own placenta and still be identical. If after they are born their blood types are different you know they are fraternal, if they have the same blood type, you may need to get them tested to see if they are ID or not.

    That said, I do know someone who did IVF and implanted 2 embryos and got ID boys out of it. :) But she knew ahead of time because she had TTTS.
  9. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Hi there, we had IVF put two embryo's in .....had two boys....seperate sacs, placentas....SAME bloodtype.....but they are fraternal....we had their DNA tested at our local CRIME LAB! see if your local lab has a training class coming up...they may just run your test for FREE! ;)


  10. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

  11. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I know this happened to ivfbound078. Hopefully she'll chime in. I know she always mentions a certain transfer day (or something like that) as being more possible to get identicals, but I don't remember which one.

    Anyways, just wanted to say Congrats!!! My di/di boys turned out to be identical, we did do a DNA test to know for sure.
  12. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I did IVF-transferred two embryos so I always "knew" they were fraternal (they were di/di).

    But for 2 years, people kept telling me how they were identical so I ended up testing them and sure enough they are ID.

    So like pp's have mentioned...if it is an early split, they can have their own everything. So for me, one embryo did not take and the other split (it was a day 3 transfer).

    When I was pregnant, I knew so little about twins and all the different kinds that it never even crossed my mind that they could be ID. It is all so interesting!
  13. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    It is only possible for your ID twins to be di di (own sac and placenta) if you did a 3 day transfer. If you did a blast (5 day transfer) it is impossible.

    I have identicals who were mono di (sharing sac and placenta) as a result of a five day transfer. We transferred 2, one split and one did not make it.

    My identical boys are now 17 months old.

    I am going to assume you did a 3 day transfer if your Peri is suggesting it is a possibility.

    There is less than a 1% chance that during IVF and embryo will split to form identical twins. I just got lucky!!

    Good luck!!
  14. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    It is possible that they could be identical. My sister's girls were di/di but they looked so much alike (and had the same blood type) that she had them tested and they are id. I think the percentage of di/di's being id is less than 20%- I think it's 20% of twins are id and 20% of those are di/di. I could be wrong- someone correct me if I am. Congratulations, btw and yay 2 possible packages!! :) :) :)
  15. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Okay, well we were 5 day blasts, so I guess that means they're fraternal. I don't care either way, just still trying to get it all sorted out. After 6 years of IVFs (first one gave us our DS), I'm still in shock we're even pregnant, much less with twins!!!

    Thanks for all the stories and comments; you are all so knowledgeable about this twin stuff :ibiggrin:
  16. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you have your answer!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! times two :)
  17. roadtocalvary

    roadtocalvary Well-Known Member

    We only know ours are identical because we have TTTS with our girls. I am uncertain of all the lingo with IVF and what not as these were one those "wow how did that happen".. but I had a strong feeling they were fraternal.. then all the sudden we were in the middle of TTTS and that only happens with identicals.. we have 2 sacs 1 placenta.
  18. andbabiesmake4

    andbabiesmake4 Active Member

    We had di/di twins too, and I didn't even realize until the peri told me, that just being di/di is a sure indicator of fraternals. He said it's a small chance, anywhere from 15-30%, and I wouldn't know for sure unless I got them tested.

    We didn't get to learn at birth because their blood types are the same, so it didn't rule out the possibility of ID twins then. The girls are 7 months old now and look so completely ID. We're getting them tested, and I'm 90% sure it'll come back ID.
  19. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Hmmm both sil and I were told that our twins were 97% fraternal. They both have their own sacs and placenta's but she had 2 girls and I'm having 2 boys.

    Her friend had the same thing but hers turned out to be identical. My OB told me they test the placenta's at birth to see.
  20. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Chicklet @ Mar 22 2009, 07:53 AM) [snapback]1239021[/snapback]
    Hmmm both sil and I were told that our twins were 97% fraternal. They both have their own sacs and placenta's but she had 2 girls and I'm having 2 boys.

    Her friend had the same thing but hers turned out to be identical. My OB told me they test the placenta's at birth to see.

    Unless they do a DNA test along with the report on the placenta the babies could still be di/di identical. When I got my report back all it said was that there were two placentas fused. So it left us still wondering and eventually we did a DNA test. Ours are di/di identical.
  21. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kittymum @ Mar 17 2009, 05:03 PM) [snapback]1233020[/snapback]
    We were told the same thing. I am having di/di girls and have been told there is about a 20% chance of them being identical, most likely fraternal though.

    My twins were di-di and the Dr. told us they were fraternal. I guess he hadn't read the most recent studies! :) Anyway, at birth the nurses told us there was no way they were fraternal. We took the test when they were about 4 months old and they are id. Now we look at them and wonder why we even bothered with the test!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are about to begin a wonderful new adventure!
  22. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i am having mono/di identicals so i really can't say much on this subject but i wanted to say congrats on the pregnancy!
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