question about BM, alcohol and reflux

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    this may be an odd question
    my LO has a milk protein allergy and i've been alternating her feedings of nursing with alimentum, as per the gastro. things have been much better. :)

    at dinner, i've been having a drink, AFTER i nurse her at the dinner feeding.
    about 3 hours later, i nurse her again and it's the worse she is all day. screaming, crying, arching, upset...etc.

    could it be the alcohol?
    if i pumped and saved it for a later date (which i've been doing each time i supplement with formula), could i then nurse her at the next feeding and hope all is well?
    she is usually fine about 1.5 hours AFTER that initial, after-dinner feeding.
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say the alcohol is bothering her stomach. I wouldn't have the drink at all, but if you did, I would pump and dump it, I wouldn't keep it for later. But really, the easiest thing would be to cut out the drink for a week or so. If she doesn't have any issues then that's probably what's causing her tummy upset.
  3. jjanssen

    jjanssen New Member

    Evening is commonly a fussy period for babies anyhow, so it's difficult to say if it's the alcohol in the BM irritating her.
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