question about a "nickname"

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by donatella, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. donatella

    donatella Member

    Hi there....we are expecting twin boys. One of the names I want is Teddy. Not a nickname ....that would be his name. What do you think?
    Thanks for the input...good or bad welcome!!!!!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    It reminds me of down south. My husband is from Alabama and his father and brother are named Billy, he has an Uncle named Johnny, etc. I think Teddy is cute. If someday he hates it, he can always shorten it to Ted, right?
  3. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    I like it, very cute but it grows to and like pp said when he's older he could always go by Ted
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Where I grew up all the "Edwards" were Teddy's. It is a very cute name
  5. c0nfuzd_drumr07

    c0nfuzd_drumr07 Active Member

    I never understood why people named their kids names that they knew from the beginning they were never going to use. Like... naming a kid John but always calling him by a nickname of Jack. Why not just name him Jack to start with? So I think naming him Teddy if Teddy is what you're going to call him is a great idea. :) I like the name. He could always shorten it to Ted when he got older if he wanted something different. I say go for it if that's what you want. :)

    Mind if I ask what the other name you're thinking of is?
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp. Teddy is a great name that can grow with him to Ted. We named one of ours Jacob, knowing we would call him Jake, but we wanted him to have a more "grown up" name if he wanted it. We also know that there are a TON of Jake/Jacobs in his age group and want it to be flexible. I want to know what the other name is too!
  7. donatella

    donatella Member

    QUOTE(ThingNumber1 @ Mar 3 2008, 02:54 PM) [snapback]650760[/snapback]
    I never understood why people named their kids names that they knew from the beginning they were never going to use. Like... naming a kid John but always calling him by a nickname of Jack. Why not just name him Jack to start with? So I think naming him Teddy if Teddy is what you're going to call him is a great idea. :) I like the name. He could always shorten it to Ted when he got older if he wanted something different. I say go for it if that's what you want. :)

    Mind if I ask what the other name you're thinking of is?

    The other name is Grant. I also love the name Thaddeus (and call him Teddy). But I'm with you....if we are going to call him something, why not just name him that? It's hard to come up with 2 boy names!!!
  8. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    I don't really like Teddy but naming someone a 'nickname' is ok IMO. I like Jake,Luke,etc...better than Jacob,Lucas.

    I knew several Bobby,Robby,etc..that didn't have the full name of Robert,etc..
  9. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    makes me think of 'sweaty teddy'........Ted Nugent. It's not my style, but my names probably aren't yours either. JMO. GL picking out something you love. You're right, two names you love is alot more difficult. Thank goodness it's not three or more eh?!
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