question about 24 hour urine results

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lisagayle, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    So I went into my OB today and she gave me the results for my 24 hour urine that I turned in last Friday. She said it was 415 and that anything over 300 was considered high for protein but that she wouldn't be worried until it hit 5,000. Umm, huh?! LOL I was a little shocked because that seemed like such a big jump. She said something about there being a big difference between mild and severe. But to me it seems like a big deal, especially considering that my BP was 150/64 at my appointment. I mean, I know that's not outrageously high but it's still elevated.

    Does this sound right to you ladies?

    Something else I wanted to check on is hemoglobin levels. A few weeks ago mine was 8.3 which is REALLY low. She put me on an extra iron pill twice a day and they rechecked it last week while I was at L&D for my steroid shots. I was so discouraged to see that it hasn't gone up at all. In fact it dropped a hair. It was 8.2. She said it has to be under control before my c-section. Anybody have any advice on other things I can do to get it up?

    Thanks all!
  2. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    As crazy as it sounds, that sounds right regarding the protein. It is considered preeclampsia over 300, but can go to incredibly high numbers. I thought the same thing when I was told that. There are so many other things to consider with preeclampsia. Anything over 300 and they are going to keep an eye on things, but it's not extremely dangerous at that point. I don't remember the numbers they told me exactly, but did say that it was something similar to what you were told before they would be very concerned. I also had high bp (as much as 170/110 - which landed me a trip to l&d for monitoring). Although I developed pre-e at 21 weeks, my protein never got over 500 until almost 32 weeks. I ended up being delivered for pre-e, but it was because my blood platelets had dropped to a dangerously low lever (can't remember what that number is). That's why they also do bloodwork when you drop off the 24 hour urine test. They are checking for all of the other symptoms of pre-e. My sister in law is a fertility dr in another state, so I was able to ask her all of the crazy questions I had and that particular question was one. She explained it to me at the time, but dont' remember the exact response, just that it sounds right to me. Hopefully it doesn't increase much from here. Good luck!
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was anemic & on iron supplements as well as tried to eat every cow in the state. It takes 6 weeks to affect your iron with what you are doing today. So don't despair, just keep working at it. :)
  4. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    that's crazy about the large jump. So does that mean that I do have pre-e then? Or are we still just keeping an eye on it to see how high it gets? I wonder if she'll have me do another 24 hour urine check? Hmmm...
  5. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I'm certainly no Dr and not at all qualified to say whether or not you have pre-e, but it sounds to me like it would be considered mild pre-e. I would ask your dr though if he/she would say that is accurate. I was told that the combination of protein over 300 and bp over a certain number (although I can't remember what the exact number was) was considered pre-e. Often times there is a lot of fluid retention with pre-e, so try to rest as much as you can. Like I said though, no questions are silly and and I would ask my Dr to fully explain everything to me so I wasn't concerned.
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