Hi, when my kids start quarelling with each other, they bite one another and pull the hairs, etc. This isn't about a soft biting but a real hard one that leaves a scars for about a week time. I try to intervene and say: No No be kind. At the same time, I know they love each other and frequently laugh together. What do you do in the case of your twins quarelling and can I do something to reinforce good behaviour at this age? Thanks a bunch
I did several things: redirection/ tell them "No bite! It hurts!"/and also I did TO's...at that age, I took them to another room and sat them on my lap for a minute and then restated "No biting!" My kids did not have hair at that age to pull. Quarelling and picking on each other is normal at this age. When you see them playing nice together, tell them how nice it is/how happy you are to see them playing nicely. Same when you see them sharing, consoling one another, etc.
Ditto what Nancy said! :good: I also taught my guys to sign and say "sorry" and I make them say it and/or sign it (even if I have to guide their hand) when they've done something to deliberately hurt each other. Some people have good lucking watching their LOs really closely and when they go to bite, tell them to "kiss" instead.
I totally agree with Nancy and Valerie!! Time outs worked wonders here with the hair pulling! I think the biggest tip I can give you right now is stay consistant with what ever form of discipline you choose. If they know you'll give in at some point they will keep pushing those limits. Good luck and I hope it passes soon!
Thanks a lot for your replies, but this is the first time I hear about time out!! I think it's important to make them realize that something "wrong" happened. At this stage my kids understand when I tell them the word NO, but should I start at one year and 3 months learn them to sign sorry and kiss one another? Thanks again
Some people have success with time-outs before the age of 2; I tried, but my guys just aren't ready for it. I think that at 15 months your LOs would probably do great with redirection (meaning have them kiss instead of bite, or diverting their attention to something else when they look like they're going to bite).