Q about eating

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Laura in Alaska, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    Lately these girls are eating me out of house and home! They eat more in each meal that I could comfortably eat and they're still asking for more. Maybe its because they just learned the sign for "more". They used to do the sign for "finished" when I fed the the last of the food. Plus I could drop a few cheerios on their trays as a test. Cheerios on the floor means we're done. Cheerios in the mouth means we're still hungry. The thing is they're never done any more. They always want more. I'm always going back to the kitchen to try to scrounge up something else to feed them (which makes them mad 'cuz they can't see me in the kitchen and they think I've abandoned them.) Anyway, are my girls the only ones who are never full? Do I stop feeding them when I know they've had plenty of food? Or do I keep feeding them until they stop asking for more? Honestly, they eat more than I could eat!
  2. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my household. My oldest was like that for a long time (95% for everything) and my twins love to eat as well. I basically decide what's a proper portion, and when it's done it's done. Then I give them something like fruit / desert (yogurt or typically Dutch "vla") and that's it. They'll take a bath and get a cup of milk before bed. Usually they'll take it at some point ... they kind of know when we're done ... the twins eat way more than my 3 1/2 yo these days (who's slowing down her amounts considerably).

    I've always done this, also with my oldest. She has been off the charts for weight (and height), so I am always cautious what I feed her (in terms of fat, healthy, etc., not so much the amount per se).
  3. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    This is an excellent post! Mine are also eating me out of house and home in the last 3 weeks too. I figured they were on a growing spurt because they are definitely not overweight. I may have to rethink if I keep letting them eat or if I decide they've had enough. It's a very good question..........
  4. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't overweight, so I haven't really been thinking about that. But I feel so bad telling them they've had enough. Especially since they're so proud about using their new "more" sign and so happy to be able to communicate with me. I can just see that in their eyes. Then again, maybe they're so happy because they realized they can now manipulate me. I just want to believe that it is WAY too soon for them to figure that one out. Please tell me its too soon for that! :unsure:
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    It's not too early for them to learn to manipulate you. :p I've always prepared enough to be about twice what a normal portion would be, so about what I would eat. At just over one, when they'd eaten what I had ready and were wanting more I'd tell them it was gone but they could have cheerios (somedays it seemed like they ate half a box at a time!), some veggies, whole wheat bread, etc. At some point I'd decide they were done and the meal was over. GL!
  6. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    Keep feeding them as much as they will eat! Enjoy this while it lasts. Mine used to be big eaters at that age too and now I practically have to beg them to eat even their favorite foods.
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    All three of mine were like that, I would feed them until they stated to act full. My girls were very good eaters at that age and Katrina is just now at 5 starting to slow down on what she eats and Kira it depends on the food. My son will eat act full and we will take him down and if we don't clear everything off the table right away he will be back at the table picking at every last scrap of food he can get at. For him we do stop him from eating sometimes becuase if he gets to much he usually ends up spitting up some of it (sorry tmi). He's 18mths now and we have had to do that since around 15mths, but that is ually after three or four helpings of food. We usually give him the same size we give the girls. He is also not over weight and niether are my girls they are all tall and on the slimmer side or avg in weight.
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