Putting your kids in Activities

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kstar, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 3 in Nov and I was wondering if I should start thinking about an activity to put them in like gym, dance, music, etc. My SIL's DD in 3 1/2 and has already done ballet, soccer, and karate. I don't want to go crazy with this stuff and I really can't afford to do a lot of it, but was just wondering at what age you started putting your kids into things like this and what you put them in.

  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    The girls did a parent/tot gymnastics class (very relaxed setting) when they turned 18 months and a swim class when they were 6 months. I am about to sign them up for another swim class held on Saturday when DH can help me and the next level of gymnastics which is a little more structured but I am still with them.

    I am also concerned about putting them in to many activities but since they do not attend daycare I figure this is a good amount. When they are old enough to attend the Rec Center's classes without a parent present I will probably put them in something that meets twice a week.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We have done parent participation classes all along. But our first non-parent participation class was right after they turned three. We put Hannah in dance and Ben in karate. They both had to be potty trained. Ben did not like it at all (he did not like being separated from both mommy and sister) but Hannah has thrived. I am glad we found something she loves, independent of her brother. Now we just have to find something for Ben!
  4. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    We have done the Gymboree thing, which was cute.
    Now though, they are in soccer. Its more parent involved to an extent. They learn the drills and routines, but you sort of help out. www.soccertots.com I think? Its nationwide.
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I forgot you lived in Orange County! Most of the cities here have great rec programs. Check there for some more affordable options!!!
  6. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I did some parent participation music programs. And story time at our local library. I put all the bigger kids in gymnastics at 3. And they play soccor at 4, and t-ball at 5. That's pretty much it so far.
  7. lah17

    lah17 Well-Known Member

    My girls all loved gymnastics!! That is almost a sure thing. You could always pick one thing and try it. It's smart to not to do too many,because once they get into school they are so busy.THe time at home now is so precious, but certainly one activity is great.

    Have fun...
  8. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    my boys started gymnastics at 3. I felt like they needed some fun semi-ustructured exercise/play w/ kids they didn't already know.
    Also, Beau's speech therapist told me the quickest way to get him to get better swallow function is to increase his upper body strength.
    They LOVE it and I'm so glad I did it.
    This summer Brandon went to his first summer camp. It was a baseketball/soccer/t-ball mix for a few hours a day for a week.
  9. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    We did Gymboree with our singleton from 18 months to 3 years (she still asks if she can go there!). She also did a 'one, two, and you' swim and gym class at our YMCA when she just turned one. She's been in several sessions of parent/child swim lessons. But, her first alone class (aside from the one-day-a-week preschool she attended last year) was gymnastics, starting when she was 3 1/2 (her first class was the day after the twins were born... she had to miss it!). This summer (she will be 4 next week) she's done VBS, a couple of week-long daycamps, and 2 sessions of swim lessons. I plan to stick with one big activity at a time for now. When she finishes this session of gymnastics, we will sit her down and ask her if she wants to continue with it, or try something new like ballet or soccer. Maybe I'd also consider adding a music or art class...
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 4 and this is the first year that we're doing alot more activities. This year we'll be in ballet/tap (Catherine), karate (Andrew), soccer and kindermusik. We took swim lessons this past winter.
  11. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    As age 3, my twin girls were in gymnastics and swimming lessons. They LOVED both. I also put them in local ECFE classes (Early Childhood Family Education classes offered by our school district) as well as 2 half-day per week preschool. I have an au pair - and want my kids active and out of the house.

    At age 4, I am adding ballet/tap dance to the mix and dropping ECFE as preschool is now 3 half-day per week. I have an older dd in as many activities and I think I drive myself crazy with over-scheduling. But that's me.

    I think it's good to let kids try different activities when they are young. It builds confidence, large motor skills and friendships. Water/drowning freaks me out so swimming is essential.
  12. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    We've been doing Kindermusik. It's parent participation through age 3, and then the classes continue without the parents through first grade. We're hoping our boys will want to continue with it that long, because we all love their Kindermusik teacher (and ideally it would lead into piano lessons, as she also does private lessons).

    Within another year or two we plan to do swimming lessons (just waiting on them to finish building the Y near us so we don't have to drive sooo far for lessons).

    I'm not sure what else, if anything - we'll wait and see if they want to continue with Kindermusik before we decide whether to add anything else.
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