Putting down drowsy but awake?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by babs0004, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. babs0004

    babs0004 Well-Known Member

    I can't get my twins to sleep without physically holding them. When they're asleep, I can put them down (usually on the 3rd or 4th try they stay). It's horrible. My son needs to be rocked to sleep and gently placed in his swing. this takes 3-4 times, each time! My daughter only sleeps on your shoulder in the burp position, then needs to be put down on the couch on her belly. This is another 3-4 attempts.

    How do I get them to self soothe or put themselves to sleep? This is horribly difficult when I'm alone!!! They will be 9 weeks on Monday, born at 36 weeks on 7/12 so 9 weeks not adjusted, but weigh over 12lbs each.

  2. cc2010

    cc2010 Member

    When my twins were at that age, I swaddled them at night. I also bought one of those stuffed bears that mimic the sounds of the inside of your womb. I also downloaded the "Ambiance" app on my Iphone (and then hooked the phone up to some speakers) which has a lot of different soothing sounds (babbling brook, waves, raindrops, etc.). It didn't work every time, but it helped a lot. At almost 7 months, I don't swaddle or use the bear anymore, but I do still use the Iphone app for naptimes. Hang in there. It will get better!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Definitely try the swaddle. Honestly, I still have to rock mine at least a bit even now most times - but usually now it is 2-3 minutes. It is hard by myself, but I've learned to manage. I've tried putting them down drowsy, but it just doesn't work for us and never has - they ALWAYS wake back up.
  4. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    yea, at that very young age, they don't know how to self soothe yet. It takes a while. we rocked and held and gently put down. We had a method of swaddling so that they wouldn't wake up. it was an art. Also, lots of "shushing" - and we gave them a pacifier too. We also tried different noise machines and then soothing music. We did all that for about 4 months. Then, we stopped swaddling and started to put down drowsy but awake and they did better. Then at 8 months, we don't hold at all, not even if they wake up in the middle of the night (unless it sounds like something is wrong). As hard as it is - it takes time. But, if you are alone with them, then they will need to learn to adjust sooner - or they may just cry and you may only be able to do so much. Hang in there - it does get better - but until then, give yourself a break and remind yourself that you are doing the best you can.
  5. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I agree with the swaddle. It is the only thing that keeps my girls asleep at night. I try not to do it during the day, but sometimes I need to. As we speak, one is swaddled in her swing and one is next to me unswaddled in her boppy and I had to basically stay here and rest my hand on her chest for her to fall asleep. As long as she knew I was there, she was fine. Every baby is different, so just keep trying different things until something works.
  6. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    I had a horrible time getting my twins to go down awake but drowsy. Around 6w, I would put them in their crib while they were sound asleep, and they would wake up instantly and cry and cry. Repetition did not help, and it only made everyone feel more stressed. So I let them sleep where they would sleep (bouncers, swing) until 10 weeks of age. Then, when I tried the crib again, it was an easy success. One twin took to it from day 1. The other twin takes minimal consoling and convincing. I had to swaddle her a couple of times, or just console, or hold/bounce until she got really calm and sleepy again. If she had been a single baby, her whimpering would have been small enough to let her whimper-it-out, but I didn't want her waking up the other twin.

    Now (12 weeks) I put them in their crib every night around 8:00 and I rarely hear a peep from them for several hours.

    I worked very closely with our pediatrician on this and it has been a huge help.
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