Putting blankets in crib

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Tracy5780, May 20, 2010.

  1. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    Do you use blankets in your crib for your twins?
    If so how old are they/when did you start??

    When is it ok to use a pillow?(if ever)
  2. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    My boys are a little over 9months (see ticker for adjusted info if you want). I still don't use blankets, but that's NOT because I fear them or anything. I have used them a few times (within the last 2 months- so around 7 months), but they never manage to keep them on. So I just continue to use our sleep sacks to insure they stay warm. We live in Hawaii, but I keep the house freezing at night. Heck, I don't even want to get out of the covers on my bed! So I definitely want them warm!

    I'm not sure about the pillows. I don't imagine we'll use any until they are in toddler beds.

    ETA: Meant to say I didn't fear oops
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We introduced blankets when they outgrew the sleep sacks, like Joelle, we lived in a warm environment that we ran the A/C overnight. So like 5 months or so? Alice used to sleep with it purposely on her face and it drove me nuts. But that's how she still sleeps. :)

    Pillows we gave them little travel pillows when they turned one, normal bed pillows they got with toddler beds.
  4. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    Ours are preemies who are 5 weeks 3 days, but should have been born today. We're bad and have used receiving blankets and knitted blankets (which they also used in the NICU) from the get go. For our little girls (who started out 4# 15 oz and 4# 3.2 oz), sleep sacks were too huge - even the ones supposedly for 5 - 8 pound children. Perhaps the NICU got us into bad habits about this, but our girls tend to flail and fuss if they're not snuggled into something.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've used blankets since birth. I always used thin cotton ones, or knitted ones, that they can breath through if it does happen to get over their face. I also keep my house cool at night, cool enough that a sleep sack isn't warm enough on it's own, so when they were younger I used sleep sacks and a blanket, and now they use 2 blankets.

    I haven't got pillows for them yet, probably around 18 months I'll get travel pillows for them, same as my older kids, and then a flat twin pillow when they move into a toddler or twin bed.
  6. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    Initially we swaddled in blankets. When they started to break out of those I put a blanket over them up to the chest, they liked their hands free and still didn't have the dexterity to grab them or to roll. After they started to kick them off we switched to sleep sacks.

    My girls will be about 9months in the middle of summer and I am thinking they will start having a light blanket again at that point. We do give them blankets to snuggle at bedtime, and then take them away once they are asleep. Quinn like to have it over her face when she sleeps. As for pillows, I figure when they get into the toddler bed.
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    All five of my kids had blankets in the crib from day one. Two of them, once they were old enough to maneuver it, slept with the blanket wrapped around their heads. My 10 yr old still does! Pillows were something special they got as part of the transition to a big kid bed, so around 3.


    my twin boys are just over 4 months old, they have had and have used blankets in addition to being swaddled since they were still in the NICU. In thier cribs they sleep in "snuggle nests" with sleep positioners (they have slept in these for past 2-3 months). the Snuggle Nests helped them feel more comfortable that being in the HUGE crib, made them feel more secure and closed in... so we are able to tuck the blankets underneith their 'snuggle nests' so they are not loose over their bodies. Because they are on Apnea monitors since they have come home from the NICU there are wires/leads attached to them so we can't put them in sleep sacks because the wires/leads get tangled up in thier feet and they end up pulling them out all night. although they are no longer being swaddled (we stopped that about a month ago because they were kicking their legs out of them, they won't sleep without blankets, they cry and are fussy without them :0(
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have used blankets from birth with most of my kids. As for pillows, I think we started using them occasionally around age 1.
  10. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    This is what I did. I was also brave enough to start using pillows for them as soon as they could roll over.
  11. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    She didn't like being swaddled after about 2 mo, so I just laid a receiving blanket over her..now she grabs it and plays with it but gets mad when it covers her face and she hasn't figured out how to get it off yet :lol: (it's really funny)...fortunately now it's getting nice and warm I may just not use one for the summer. We only have a portable A/C (in our bedroom of course) so I'm not sure how hot her room will get.
  12. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    the twins were always in their miracle blankets with a bigger blanket over top while in their sleep positioners. Now that they are older dd is still swaddled but ds is not, he is in a sleep sack because he is a mover and a shaker haha. They also both have 1 crocheted blanket to cover them. I justified that to myself in that it has holes just in case they got it over their head. :p
  13. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was never a big sleep sack user. For the boys, they were swaddled for the first four months... and then they started sleeping on their stomachs, so they probably had a blanket by four/five months. Annabella was a stomach sleeper from the get go-but she was also born in June. So she's had a blanket from the beginning. She also had really good neck control, and she slept next to me for the first few months, so I constantly checked on her. As for pillows, I think I waited until about 18 months with the boys-and they were pillows that matched their bedding.
  14. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    ODS did not have a pillow until we bought his first bed when he was almost 3! I think we started pulling a blanket over him during the winter when he was almost 2 when we converted to a toddler bed. The winter before that he was in a sleep sack, and when he was first born we swaddled him. I do think we kept the house warmer in the winter during those 2 years. And we don't have much of a winter here anyway.
  15. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    We will use sleepsacks only (no blankets) until at least age 1. We won't give them pillows until at least one year and will wait until they either ask for it or seem uncomfortable without one. I sleep comfortably without a pillow, and they sure seem to also.

    I keep the bedroom at 72 degrees for them. But, when our power went out, and it was getting cold, I layered clothing under their fleece sleepsacks, and they seemed plenty warm.
  16. kristinpa

    kristinpa Well-Known Member

    We started off with the sleep sacks that have the built in swaddle..now we just use the plain sleep sacks...
  17. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    always have used blankets since day one. never had a problem. they manage to kick off if they don't want them on. Sleep sacks-ah, one less piece of clothing I had to buy!
  18. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    Once by boys stopped being swaddled about 4 1/2 months, they got a blanket. They always grab the blanket and pull it over their head and sleep with their face covered up. My older son did the exact same thing and still some nights I go in to kiss him before I go to bed and he's completely under his covers, or with his head under his pillow! :)
  19. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    All my kids have had blankets since day 1, they were/are also tummy sleepers. For a pillow my oldest was 2 before I gave him one in his crib.
  20. jules79

    jules79 New Member

    Our twins are 10.5 months and they have had their blankets in their cribs for about 1 month. It is more for comfort than warmth..they love to cuddle with them and chew on them. We still put them in sleep sacks for warmth and comfort too. I was super paranoid about the blankets for awhile, i was always checking on them. Lol... I started letting them keep them for one nap, then two naps and now throughout the night.
  21. Jentletwins

    Jentletwins New Member

    My twins are five months. They were swaddled for two weeks and then they would just get an arm and leg out of it. Since then they have their blankies. They even have their little lovelies (teddy with arms on a blanket) that they go to sleep with.
  22. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    We still use sleep sacks but I am leaving blankets in there so they get used to them. They like to cuddle with the blankets. Prior to sleep sacks, we swaddled.
  23. clements

    clements Member

    I have always covered them up with blankets. My little boy will cover himself up but I have to keep pajama pants on my little girl, she always kicks her covers off. As for a pillow, my boy has one my girl doesn't. My little boy took his own pillow around 7 months and won't sleep without one. My little girl is much smaller and I don't feel comfortable with her having one. (My little boy is the size of a 2 year old, height wise. I think it depends on your child, I know a ped probably wouldn't like this response but oh well. Do what feels comfortable to you.

    I have always covered them up with blankets. My little boy will cover himself up but I have to keep pajama pants on my little girl, she always kicks her covers off. As for a pillow, my boy has one my girl doesn't. My little boy took his own pillow around 7 months and won't sleep without one. My little girl is much smaller and I don't feel comfortable with her having one. (My little boy is the size of a 2 year old, height wise. I think it depends on your child, I know a ped probably wouldn't like this response but oh well. Do what feels comfortable to you.
  24. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We have used blankets since 11 mos after they kept tripping in their sleep sacks. They will not keep them on, but I lie them flat and then put the girls on top of them. They grab them, ball them up and snuggle against them. But they kick them off every time I try to cover them...LOL. I was nervous at first but I got over it. One time, actually recently, I ran up because Jude sounded muffled and she managed to wrap herself like a burrito and couldn't get out - head and all...so bizarre but that only happened the one time.
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