pulling out poop

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greymom, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Recently Coleman has been reaching into his diaper and pulling poop out :wacko: Oh, it is so gross, I can't take it! It happens when he's in his crib - when he wakes in the morning and we don't get in there fast enough to change him, or during nap time. We have to then wash EVERYTHING - sheets, stuffed animals, blankets, him. I don't know if it's for fun or because he doesn't like the messy diaper (probably both). It never happens during the day because if he has a mess, I usually detect it right away and change him.

    We are not potty training yet, because I didn't think they were ready (they rarely tell me they have a messy diaper). Is this a sign to start? Or is he just exploring? :blink:

    Please tell me someone else here has had this problem.

  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We've been going through this for... well... about a year now :eek: They have a BM pretty much every time they wake. I don't dare leave them awake in their cribs if they wake early. My frustration has been that they would be quiet until the mess was made and then they'd get all giggly playing in it and I'd come in to find the mess :bad: I tried sleepsacks, backward sleepsacks with the neckholes tacked so they couldn't squeeze through, backward one-piece pajamas, layering them with onesies under everything... it was all very temporary. People suggested duct tape but they can push a diaper down without unfastening it so unless I tape it to their skin... I told DH I was going to design a sleeping toddler straightjacket but I haven't found the time yet.

    The good news is that they now usually discuss "poopy" with each other before undressing which allows me the opportunity to come running. This morning, they were naming their colors and adding the word poopy so one would say green poopy and the other would say purple poopy and it went back and forth with different colors and giggles in between. I found them both still fully dressed.

    I hope that since yours are older, they'll get over this more quickly.
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Lu went through a phase like this. I finally figured out that she didn't like the poop touching her, and was sort of trying to "change" herself. I explained (a few times, at opportune moments) that she could not do that, and that it wasn't good to get poop on her hands--that she should get me immediately if she pooped.

    This actually worked.
  4. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Two words for you: backwards pajamas!

    Katelyn has taken to stripping herself. Not so much of a problem when it stopped at the onesie this summer. Now, she wants it all off! Kyle found her naked twice in the crib following naps. So, we cut the feet off her pajamas and put them on backwards with socks on to keep her tootsies warm. We used to put them down in the comfy clothes they wear around the house, but always put them into the backwards pajamas now to avoid any problems. I sooo do not want to be cleaning poop out of her sheets.
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