Pull-ups vs. Easy Ups vs. Cool Alert...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marchtwins, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    My twins are almost 2 1/2 and I've decided to switch to trainers over diapers now since they're extremely wiggly when I change them, their diapers hang so low all the time now (even just 1/2 hr after being changed!), and it will obviously be a huge help when we start with p. training.
    My question is which to start with? I have read mixed reviews about 'Easy Ups' since some say their children have broken out from wearing them (my son has sensitive skin so this is a concern). The 'Pull-Ups Cool Alert' trainers seem like a neat idea, but not sure if that's just gimicky???

    Any opinions on brands of trainers would be really appreciated!!!

    Thanks in advance everyone!!!
  2. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My sensitive skin son has never reacted to Easy Ups. He blew out of the Pull Ups quite a few times, so we stopped using those. I've never tried the Cool Alerts, so I have no input there.

    We only use the Easy Ups overnight, but we did use Pull Ups briefly during the day (I had bought those first). They seemed to hold pretty well during potty training, but I had them in real underwear within about 3 days of using them so I'm probably not the best judge. But, like I said, I had at least 5 blow outs during the night with the Pull Ups within the first few weeks, whereas maybe 2 with the Easy Ups (over months now).

    Sorry I'm not of much help, but just so you know, my little guy's tushie has never had an issue with the Easy Ups. I never did a cost comparison, but I do know you get bigger packs for a better price at Target. Maybe try a small pack & if they work, then buy more. That way if he does break out, you don't have a lot to waste. I've also heard good things about Target brand Pull Ups, but have never tried them.

    Good luck!
  3. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We decided on Easy Ups and have been very happy. They are a bit cheaper than Pull Ups at BJs and I have better luck finding their coupons. We haven't had any reactions, but my sensitive skin one has never reacted to diapers anyway. I've also tried the store brand at Wal-Mart and Walgreens. I was not impressed though they weren't bad, they also weren't much, if any, cheaper than I can do Easy Ups for from BJs.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We have used easy ups (overnights), pull ups (overnights) and the cool alert. IMO, the cool alert is just a gimick. The pull-ups are fine, but I prefer easy ups. It seems like we have less leakage with the easy ups.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, I think cool alert is just a gimmick. Using the cool alert ones never helped either of my kids identify being wet. I had no problems with the easy ups and pull ups.
  6. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    We used the Easy Ups here, one they were cheaper and two, I've always had good luck with Pampers so we stuck with them . My girls have pretty sensitive skin too and never had an issue with the Easy Ups.

    When we decided it was time to potty train, I put them in underwear full time at home. After we had that down a couple of days, I then introdued the "Dora Underwear" (Easy Ups) and explained to the girls that they were special going out underwear "just in case they had an accident" but they were like underwear, so they should still try to tell Mommy or Daddy that they had to go potty. We used those for errands and such for a while. Probably longer than we needed to, but they had become *my* security blanket at that point! [​IMG] I still used regular diapers at night and nap (when they were napping consistently...). At this point, I've weaned myself down to using the EasyUps only on long trips (1.5 - 2 Hrs + where I'm pretty sure they'll fall asleep in the car or recently, we walked the Freedom Trail in Boston and I wasn't sure if there would be facilities close enough.) and at this point, they've only ever had an accident if they were sleeping in them. I'm still using regular diapers at night now. And that hasn't seemed to have been a problem. For a little while we did have trouble with them waking in the AM and just peeing in their diaper because they could, but we told them it was okay to call for us when they wake up and needed to go potty. And they've started waking at 2am -ish independently to ask us to go potty, even though they know they have a diaper on. Some mornings they wake up dry and some they don't.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there!
  7. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for your thoughts and advice on the matter.

    I'll start with Easy Ups, since they seem to be the fave :)
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