pull ups at night?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jersey_Girls, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    My gals have been successfully potty trained for about 6 months. One of them occasionally has an accident at night (about once a week). Now the other one is having an accident here and there.

    I don't think this is anything major. I think it usually happens when they are extremely tired. DH wants to put them in pull ups at night. Do any of you have your 4 year olds + in pull ups at night? Any drawbacks to it (besides cost)?


  2. HopeforFuture

    HopeforFuture Well-Known Member

    My DD has been potty trained for about 18 months. She fought me tooth and nail about wearing underwear to bed. I finally got her out of the pullups, about 1 month ago. If they are having accidents, I personally would put them in a pullup at night. Especially if you are having to get up in the middle of the night to change her and the bedding. Meanwhile, keep track and see if they are wetting it (the pullup) at night. I know all the potty training books would disagree with me, but oh well.
  3. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    My dd (will be 4 in Jan) has been potty trained since she was 2 months past her 2 year birthday. But she will NOT give up her sippy cup of water at night. So she has accidents at night because of this. We still have her in a pull up at night. For some kids it just takes longer to get the whole night time bathroom thing. I heard its hereditary so if you or your dh wet the bed later in years than your children most likely will too. (I dont know if its true or not) But wearing a pull up at night hasnt affected her daytime potty use.

  4. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    My boys just slept too hard and weren't physically able to hold it all the way through the night until nearly 6 years-old. They potty trained at 2 1/2, so that was a long time being in pull-ups just at night. During the day, they were fine. Aside from the actual potty training period, I think they only had 2 accidents in the year after they trained, and none after that. One and off over the few years, we'd take the pull-ups off at night, thinking they were finally through wetting the bed at night. Then, they'd backslide or start having accidents again.

    In any case, it didn't affect them or their day training at all to wear pull-ups at night. My boys were surprisingly unselfconscious about it all. They are pretty aware of "baby things" like diapers, but somehow never felt the tiniest bit bad about wearing the pull-ups at night. Which I was grateful for. It was frustrating for me to be getting up and changing sheets in the middle of the night for so long, and I was afraid my frustration would affect them, but I seem to have contained it better than I thought.

    If your girls do balk at wearing the pull-ups, you can put waterproof pads under the fitted sheet. I sewed a few extra-big ones, so that I could double-make the bed. That way I could just rip off the top sheet and pad, and have another set underneath that. That got the whole process down to under a minute or two, which is nice in the middle of the night.
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