Pull-ups at nap/night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    My twins have been PT'd for 3 months now...during the day. They still wear pull-ups at nap and bedtime. They have NEVER woken up from a nap or in the morning with a dry pull-up. I thin kpart of the reason is they think since it's a pull-up, it's "ok" to pee/poop in them.

    How do I overcome this? Or is it just something they will grow out of?
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I think it is something they will grow out of at least with our experience so far. We have been PT'ing since August, they are Pee trained and just about in the middle of poop training. They wear pull-ups at nap, night and if we will be in the car for a while or the park because I am afraid they will have to go when there is nowhere to go. One of my sons does not pee in his pullups it's rare if he does, the other wakes up often with a full pullup but is doing well with it. So I think it will eventually taper off.
  3. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I would bite the bullet and put them in underwear during naptime. My son did great with that only 2 or 3 accidents from the very beginning of July when we trained. He wakes up most mornings dry in his diaper but then pees in it before taking it off. We just transitioned from Cribs to toddler beds this weekend and one reason was so he could wear underwear and get up and pee when he needed to without calling for me.

    So work on nap time then try overnight. Of my 3 older kids...2 trained night and day at the same time. One trained day time about 6 months before he could stay dry overnight. so each kid is different.

  4. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of my girls trained day and night almost at the same time, but they were waking up dry in the morning when they were still in pull-ups.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in big kid pants during the day for a month now. They wear diapers during the night (no naps). They still wake up wet so not changing anytime soon here.
  6. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    The kids are wearing overnight pullups only. For naps, they stay in underwear and have done really well. Of course, now that I have said this, we will have floods. Anyhow, best of luck with whatever decision you make. My kids' preschool just told me no pullups when they started in August and it has gone rather well.
  7. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    Amanda just stopped using pullups the other day. We started the transition process about a month ago. Initially she had accidents so we went back to pullups. A few weeks ago I encouraged her to go potty before naptime and she could wear underpants during nap. There were a few accidents but she was so upset about it we limited her pre-nap beverages. Between having no liquid for an hour before nap and going potty first, we were able to eliminate naptime accidents.

    I was still nervous about nighttime but when we made the same adjustments (no liquid for an hour and a potty break before bed), she woke up with dry pullups. I got rid of all of the pullups over the weekend.

    So far so good. It took a lot of "tweaking" the routine but now she'll go potty before bed and then usually has to go within 15 minutes of waking up.

    It worked for us but every child is different. Her twin refuses to go on the potty so I know I can't use a "standard" answer.
  8. kirstenanch

    kirstenanch Well-Known Member

    My daughter was completely potty trained during the day, other than naps, last December and we switched to underwear at night in July, so about 7 months later. First we got rid of the nap-time pull-ups because she was always waking up dry. When she started waking up in the morning with dry pull-ups as well, we switched to underwear overnight too. We've only had a couple accidents since.

    Before we got rid of pull-ups, she did pee in one once after I (stupidly, lazy mom) told her it was ok to pee in her swim diaper, so she definitely had in her mind that it was ok to pee in pull-ups, but not underwear. She even asked me once if she was wearing a pull-up and when I said yes got a funny look on her face- funny look caused by peeing.
  9. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Only 1 of my girls is trained, very newly trained (just a few weeks). Once she 'got' it, she's almost always been dry when she wakes up from nap/bedtime. However, since she's so new at this, I still usually put her in a pull up for naps and bedtime.

    As soon as she started doing good with the training, I would put her in underwear with a pull up over them if we left the house. So that she'd still feel the big girl underwear, but so the accident would be contained if she had one. So far, she's never had an accident when I've done that. I'd tell her she still had her big girl underwear on, so be sure to tell mommy if you need to potty so they stay dry. That may be a way for you to try a "test run" at nap time but yet eliminate the mess.

    Good Luck!
  10. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    they'll outgrow it. At just over 3 yrs old, I would worry about it yet.
    We stopped for each at different times.
    When I noticed we were waking up dry for naps for a whole month I stopped, same for nighttime.
  11. dtazz007

    dtazz007 Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem. My guys are fine all day. I put Pull-Ups on at night because they always end up in my bed. Every morning when we come down they are soaked. I think they think its ok because it feels like a diaper. I'm scared to let them go without for fear they will pee in my new bed.lol
  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing. T&T day-trained last February but being so young and boys, I didn't expect night-training for a while. Well, Trent has been staying dry 5 nights out of 7 the past month or so and is just starting to wake BEFORE he pees on nights he can't make it through until morning. Trevor is right behind him, I think. I'm just not sure when to actually take the underwear plunge and whether it's useful at all with helping them progress because awareness of when it happens doesn't seem to be an issue (they'll call me and want to be changed if they pee in their sleep or call me to take them to the bathroom if they wake in time). It's more an issue of waking before they go and I think that's a maturity thing.
  13. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    My oldest was almost 4 before she went without a pull up at night. She did really well for the longest time with not having accidents during the night. Now she occassionally has accidents at night. I was tempted to put her back in pull ups, but I restrained myself. She sleeps so deeply that their is nothing waking her up at night. We started restricting fluids after dinner and always make sure she goes potty before nighttime.
  14. MizzGidget

    MizzGidget New Member

    QUOTE(dtazz007 @ Oct 5 2008, 09:14 PM) [snapback]1012996[/snapback]
    I am having the same problem. My guys are fine all day. I put Pull-Ups on at night because they always end up in my bed. Every morning when we come down they are soaked. I think they think its ok because it feels like a diaper. I'm scared to let them go without for fear they will pee in my new bed.lol

    trust me it's a bummer when they wet your bed but just think ahead. our matress has a plastic cover so that on the rare occasion one of my girls wets it just means a load of laundry and not new matresses
  15. MizzGidget

    MizzGidget New Member

    I have 2 girls aged 3.5 Spencer and Michal ( never let your husband name your kids) night training happened at two very different times for them. Michal never had a problem with wet mornings or after naps so I put her in underwear almost immediatly after day training. Spence on the other hand didn't care about being wet so we needed a new approach. I went and let her pick out her own panties (Disney Princess) Then I found pullups with a similar design. When she wears her princess panties she always makes it to the potty so the princesses won't get wet. The pull ups are a little harder for her to get down (she's really small and her hands are tinier than a dolls I swear) and she gets so upset when she has an accident in her pull up. Well we won half the battle she wasn't comfortable wearing underwear at night just in case so she'd come at like 3 AM and say "hurry momma or belle ( or whoever was the prncess of the night) is gonna get wet. I'm tryin to hold it but there's too much." It's cute but ate 2 or 3 in the morning it made me wanna scream now she wears big gir underwear and goes on he own but she still wakes me up because she's "ascared of the flushing" as she puts it.
  16. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Staying dry at night just happens. I believe it's nothing you can make them do. Joey PT in July at 3 1/2 and was dry at night 3 months later.

    My soon to-be-six-year-old, up until the last week and a half, had a wet pull up EVERY morning. It didn't matter if she drank nothing after dinner or used the toilet before bed. She just had 6 dry mornings then the last 2 she has been wet. She will stay dry eventually. She's more irritated that Jo wears panties to bed while she wears a pull up, but that's how it goes sometimes!
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