Puking for the first time related to pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Susanna+3, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I have to say, I have puked in my other pregnancies, but never related to the actual nausea of the pregnancy... During my first pregnancy I had the stomach bug once... during the twin pregnancy I had it twice (puked my guts out at 35 weeks pg with twins, so not fun!)...and once again with my last pregnancy I got the stomach bug along with the other kids. So today about mid-morning, I took these new vitamins I just got at the ob/gyn office yesterday, felt fine... then I ate a bowl of cereal with my toddler. It's not like my stomach was empty. I had just helped her eat a banana prior to taking the vitamins. Anyway, within about 20 minutes I'm feeling sooo queasy. We're here in my parents' house, still haven't sprung the news on them (and thankfully I really haven't been too bad, so it's not obvious)...anyway I quickly exit to the bathroom, and start heaving. What a bizarre experience... I've never actually puked because of pregnancy related nausea. I've gotten nauseous to the point where I feel like I'm going to, but no follow through. Anyway, thankfully my mom gets distracted with a phone call or I'm sure she would've heard me in there!!! Needless to say, I'm going back to my multi-vitamin. It's got plenty of folic acid, and my iron counts were just fine on it with the last pregnancy. I can't do this everyday!!! Maybe the real reason so many women puke during pregnancy is really the stupid pre-natal vitamins???!!!! Ugh, my stomach still churns now.
  2. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    :hug: Sorry you were so sick!
    I have had alot of friends would take their prenatel vitamins at right right before bed because of the nasua they were having.
    Good Luck & take Care of yourself.
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I also took my vitamins at night with dinner.
    With the twins I had nausea at 6 weeks and puked from weeks 8-11.
    With this singleton,. I started puking at 7 weeks and it lasted until 16!!!!! I dont think it had anything to do with my vitamin.
    Every pregnancy is different.
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    With all 3 of my boys I puked every morning until around 14 weeks it got to where I dreaded the mornings. It was strange because once I got sick I wanted to eat. With the twins I expected a double dose. I was really sick for several days and chalked it up to morning sickness but when the whole family started puking I realized we had a bug! With the girls other than the bug I felt waves of mild nausea here and there but it was not bad. I told DH that I would be able to tell if this one is a boy or a girl based on morning sickness LOL!! but with all of my issues so far I think it will be a total surprise!

    OH!! and my cousin had nausea with her prenatal vitamin and her OB told her to take 2 Flinestone vitamins you may want to ask about that if you think it could be the vitamin getting you!
  5. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Blech.. I hate flinstone vitamins too! LOL. I haven't taken them in the evening because for some odd reason this pregnancy my stomach churns at night not in the morning. So I thought I'd try mid-morning to be safe... not a good idea. Anyway, I'm going back to my multi-vitamin. Julianna turned out just fine and so did my iron counts. Plus my daily bowl of peanut butter captain crunch claims to have 100% of the folic acid I need for the day. LOL. I figure between that, my orange juice, and my multi-vitamin I'm doing okay!
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    The prenatals used to make me so sick! My OB gave me a brand name one that was supposed to have less nausea issues. He also suggested that I take it at bedtime instead of first thing in the morning. I hope you feel better!
  7. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I had bad all day sickness with my first DD until the second trimester, with the twins I felt nausous a lot in the mornings and had headaches but I don't think I ever actually vomited. With this one I felt great until about 6 weeks and then the nausea set in, for me it has been worse in the evenings. I take my prenatal right before bed with a light snack. I have a strong feeling that I'm having a boy this time, but my relatives are all telling me to prepare for another girl.
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