Public restrooms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Now that we don't use the stroller a whole lot anymore, plus were semi-potty training, I can't control them in public restrooms while trying to go potty myself, plus let both of them use the potty. It REALLY gives me the heebee-jeebies when they touch every freaking surface in the restroom. :bad: I'm not a germaphobe, but that's just gross. When they were younger, I would have them both in strapped in the stroller and push it into the handicap stall with me.
    So what do you do? When I vented to DH about this, he said "well make them stand still" Uh, gee hadn't thought of that!
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    We have this problem too Kelly! C&A are no longer in a stroller and are potty trained. I carry a folding potty seat for them to sit on and I tell them not to touch ANYTHING in the bathroom. If it were up to them they would roll all over the floor and lick the toilet! :laughing: I always do the flushing (with my foot) and they have to wash their hands and then purell as soon as we're outside the bathroom. It does help to have Elizabeth in the stroller b/c sometimes if I'm the only one pottying (when does that happen???) then I just tell them to hold the stroller and that keeps their hands busy! Maybe you could give them something to hold for you like your purse, a bag, etc. to keep them from touching things? Good luck! Public restrooms most places are just SOOO gross, so I totally understand!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'll have to share my potty training NIGHTmare from the park the other day with you Kelly!! It'll gross you out of your skin!
  4. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    It's one of the most disgusting parts of having toddlers. All I can say is thank heaven for purell. It gets better as they get older. I can get Annika and Natalie to not touch EVERYTHING but it's still disgusting. I wish more places had kid size toilets for when they need to go. The whole balancing thing, without holding on isn't happening quite yet, and I am forever being told that "I do it myself. No touch me." Anyone wonder why I am not leaving home much right now?
  5. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    OMG! This is the worst thing about going anywhere in public with them. They get in the stall & have to touch everything! The first thing is the ladies product little garbage. I wonder how many times I've said "Don't touch the garbage." Thank goodness for hand sanitizer.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'll have to show this thread to DH to show him it's NOT just me and it's not that I can't control my children, all kids just go nuts in the public restroom! I don't know, maybe I'll have to get creative and put stickers on the floor and tell them to stand on it! Yes, they always go for the femine hygenie trash can too. Gross, gross gross! Or they sit on the floor and look under the stalls. I don't know if it would be better if I put a travel potty in the car or something and just have them use that, but I still need to go myself when we go out frequently (darn two babies sitting on my bladder!).
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I have not yet had the pleasure of cramming myself and two mobile toddlers into a bathroom stall so I don't know if this would work... Thats my disclaimer.

    I read somewhere about a mom who keeps post-it notes in her purse to keep the automatic flusher from going off and scaring the cr*p out of her kids. I guess you could also use them as a spot for them to sit, or tell them to stick the notes on the wall (??). Just a thought. Oh and I guess pour purell over them afterward if they are sitting on the floor... ICK!!!
  8. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I am so not looking forward to this with the boys. I honestly don't go anywhere by myself with the boys if I think I'll need to make a pit stop or I don't drink alot (skip my coffee) in the morning if I'm going out. If my dad is with me at the mall or something, he'll just wait with the boys while I go.

    That being said, my boys are 33 months, not liking the stroller much anymore, and are just starting to show an interest in potty training. I'm getting a potty for the van for them to use and will just make short outings during the time we are training. I CANNOT even imagine them coming in a bathroom with me and not being contained. YUCK! We did talk about this briefly at my multiples group yard sale last fall and a couple of the moms said they make their kids keep them hands on their shoulders while in the bathroom waiting for the mom. I guess they make a game out of it. Maybe reward (bribe) them with something they like if they are good while you guys are in the bathroom. I think it would be worth a few m&ms (at least m&ms work with my boys) to get through the experience -- LOL.

    Anyway, good luck!
  9. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I try not to have them touch too much, but really we all wash our hands well when we come out of the stall so
    I am not too worried.
  10. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I saw a mom last week in grocery store playing a game w/ her 3 yr old to keep her hands off everything. Simon Says!

    simon says: touch your knees, elbows, head, etc. It keeps them entertained and their hands away from shelves - or in the bathroom case - the icky stuff. Give it a shot!

    Also, i keep a purex hand foam thingy in my diaper bag/purse.
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We mostly focus on washing our hands well before we leave. I started the routine long before potty training and now that they want to use every public john they encounter it's come in handy that they enjoy washing up. My boys love the hygiene boxes as well (they call them mailboxes and want to check for mail) and toilet plungers are their favorite! I've explained to them the function of a plunger and why we don't want to play with them but it's irresistable.

    ETA: they are totally addicted to flushing and think automatic flushers are magic... we use flushing as a reward.
  12. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    My problem is that they like to unlock the stall door and go running out while I'm "busy" . . . I can't exactly go chasing them down at that moment. Seems like they can instantly figure out any kind of door latch, even if they've never seen it before.

    Fortunately, we don't go out to too many places that don't have decent bathrooms.

  13. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    I like the Simon Says option and the sticky notes to cover the auto flusher (that was a HUGE fright the first time it happened, but now they make a game of covering for each other :rolleyes: ) Soap and water or purell are the only thing that kept me sane in those early does seem to get better, tho, so hand in there!
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(RachelJoy @ Apr 24 2008, 10:17 AM) [snapback]736972[/snapback]
    My problem is that they like to unlock the stall door and go running out while I'm "busy" . . . I can't exactly go chasing them down at that moment. Seems like they can instantly figure out any kind of door latch, even if they've never seen it before.

    Fortunately, we don't go out to too many places that don't have decent bathrooms.


    This seems like the perfect time to use those baby backpack/leash things... just for in the stall so they can't run too far.
  15. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    I have learned how to go with either my foot or my hand on the door! What a talent, huh!!! :rolleyes: They are better now than they were a few months ago, so it's not as bad. You just have to keep telling them over and over again.
  16. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Apr 22 2008, 10:29 AM) [snapback]733225[/snapback]
    I have not yet had the pleasure of cramming myself and two mobile toddlers into a bathroom stall so I don't know if this would work... Thats my disclaimer.

    I read somewhere about a mom who keeps post-it notes in her purse to keep the automatic flusher from going off and scaring the cr*p out of her kids. I guess you could also use them as a spot for them to sit, or tell them to stick the notes on the wall (??). Just a thought. Oh and I guess pour purell over them afterward if they are sitting on the floor... ICK!!!

    thanks for the post it note tip, my girls are petrified of the toilets when they flush.

    Its so difficult when they're touching eveything, and those automatic sanitary holders yuk, u just put ur hand over top (without touching) and it opens. Other people must hear me and think I'm crazy, get off the floor, stop swinging on the bars, stop touching this/that ahhhh its hard

    Just get them to wash their hands and then sanitize when ur outside, its all u can do.
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