public property

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mhardman, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Don't you love how people think twins are public property. Everyone wants to see and touch them. My husband hates how everyone asks "Aare they twins" His answer No they are triplets but we left one at home :winking0009:

  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Isn't it crazy how many people stop and want to talk? This morning we went to the bookstore and a woman stopped me to ask if the girls were twins. Um, yes. Then she wanted to know if they were both girls. Please note: I almost never dress them both in pink, but today Ellie was wearing a light pink sleeper and Viv was in a hot pink one. They both had on pink hats. So I just sort of smiled weakly and said, yup, two girls.

    On the way to the parking lot two older men stopped me to take a look at the girls and to ask if they were twins. It's never ending, but I don't usually mind the curious questions. It's the people that want to breathe on the girls or touch them that bother me.
  3. pdxpeach

    pdxpeach Well-Known Member

    I don't get out much, but when I do, people just don't approach me much. Maybe I just look mean.... lol
  4. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mhardman @ Oct 3 2007, 04:49 PM) [snapback]434549[/snapback]
    Don't you love how people think twins are public property. Everyone wants to see and touch them. My husband hates how everyone asks "Aare they twins" His answer No they are triplets but we left one at home :winking0009:


    Most people mean well, I suppose, but they annoy the cr*p out of me. I tend to put on my mean face when going out. DH, on the other hand, doesn't care if people approach him and even got HIT ON by a salesgirl at the Guess store when he was out alone with the babies one day. But this is his typical conversation:

    Stranger: Ooooh, are they twins?
    DH: No, hospital was having a buy one get one free sale.
  5. heartofdixiemama

    heartofdixiemama Well-Known Member

    When we get the "OOOH, are they twins???"
    I smile and say, "No, they're just brothers!" Some people catch on quick and think I'm a you know what...or some people say, "Oh.", kinda confused!!Pretty funny...HA...
    Usually though, it's my 4 yr old who likes to head them off at the curb...when we all pile out somewhere and people start in ignoring him and jumping on the twin takes him only a few strangers before he starts just saying outloud to anyone who just looks his way, "Hey, we have TWO babies!!" I guess whatever gets him involved so he doesn't feel left out of all the attention...
    I think it's hilarious!
    I, too, have noticed all the flirting my husband has received since we've been out and about with the twins..I guess some women really fancy the idea of a guy who can handle 2 babies at once! ha!
    I don't worry about him, though, he ain't going nowhere..his favorite saying is, "It's cheaper to keep her!" HAHAHA!
  6. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I constantly get the "oh you have 2 girls" Um, one is dressed in pink, the other in blue, HELLO!!! Then they will ask upon hearing it's a boy and a girl "are they identical" when we go out. It is funny b/c when I just take one of the babies out and leave the other with DH, I rarely get a comment.
  7. Schoebdoo

    Schoebdoo Well-Known Member

    My DW and I have cut some of our trips short because of the public gawking. The worst was when we took them in for portraits at 3 mos and the photography place in the mall had a mix up. We had to find a way to kill 2 hours in the mall. (Honestly, it took 45 minutes to leave the house, we weren't going to drive 1/2 hour home, unload, reload, then bring them back in). THey were in cute coordinated outfits and the double stroller is a big "COME LOOK AT THE TWINS" Sign. I felt so bad for my wife who got cornered at the perfume counters by 4 or 5 women of a certain age that kept touching the babies! Grrr...DW told me that Momma Bear almost came out for the first time. :angry:

    Question though - what is worse, the public spectacle that we get now or the public domain that your bellies were when you were pregnant with two? DW said that the belly touchers were much worst - sometimes she felt molested.
  8. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mhardman @ Oct 3 2007, 01:49 PM) [snapback]434549[/snapback]
    Don't you love how people think twins are public property. Everyone wants to see and touch them. My husband hates how everyone asks "Aare they twins" His answer No they are triplets but we left one at home :winking0009:


    try going out with a set of trips.. your twinkies will not get any attention at all....

    my friend has trip boys... we go out once a week... its the only time people say.. awww look twins!!! OMG triplets!!! they pass right by me!
  9. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    Ha! So true! The sad thing is that people assume that one of my girls is a boy just because her carseat has animals on it. I guess girls aren't suppose to like animals:) And it's funny when they ask if they are twins, because it's pretty obvious I would say. Like I would carry around two babies that weren't my own, talk about a work out! Most people are really nice though, atleast so far. Luckily no one has tried to touch them, that's a definate no no.
  10. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    I hardly ever have a chance for people to say the whole " are they twins bit" My 3 yr DD goes around telling everybody she has twin sisters, lol. She is so proud to be a big sister, and even prouder (if that's even a word) of being a big sister to twins. The questions can be annoying though. I have a navy blue carseat and a light green one, and I always get OMG two boys how lucky, even when I have the girls in pink. :rolleyes:

    I don't go out much because of PPD and anxity (sp?) and having stranger approach me makes everything worse.
  11. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    I've had someone argue with me about them being identical. My girls are identical and look very much alike so much so that DH can't tell them apart. One day I was in a store and had a woman come up and ask if they were identical and I answered yes and she followed up with "they don't look alike they must not be" so I said "they are" and she stormed off!

    Double trouble drives me nuts!
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