PTing setback

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    PTing started out beautifully. DS is still doing awesome - almost no accidents, he just runs and does it whenever he has to. :yahoo:

    But lately DD seems to have developed some kind of mental block about using the potty chair. At home, she goes diaper free all the time except naps and night time - and I swear she saves up all her pee and poop for those times! :eek: I can't remember the last time she pooped in the potty, and it's hard to even get her to try to pee in there. She'll still do it when she absolutely has to, but I swear her bladder must hold a gallon by now, because she can go for hours and hours and then let it all loose once she's in a diaper.

    I can't figure it out. She's usually a total people pleaser and will do anything for praise. We've gone back to bribing with chocolate and pieces of Clif bar (or "clipper bar" as she calls it :lol: ), but even that's not working. I don't want to put her back in diapers, but I think saving up all the poop may be messing up her sleep a bit.

    Any ideas on how to deal with this?
  2. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    My DD's have been pting for about three weeks now and doing great with doing both on the potty. One of my girls has been having accidents the last couple days and were not sure if she is just to busy to stop what she doing and go or DH thinks the excitment is gone. I was giving stickers but ran out about a week ago so maybe I need to get some more. My son used to hold it too when pting him and it did mess him up he would hold it for so long and it would just be so much and big that when he finally would go well lets just say it was really hard to watch my DS go through that. I did let him go back in diapers for a while for that reason but I'm not sure if It was the right thing to do he was almost 5yrs old before he would go poop on the toilet.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    How about letting her wear go diaper free at naptime? It will be more of a cleanup for you, but maybe see if she will start going to the potty if she knows that she doesn't have a diaper as a safeguard. If that still doesn't work, then possibly going back to the diapers and trying again in a month or two.
  4. Sylvarin

    Sylvarin Well-Known Member

    I wish I had advice for you. My daughter still poops in her pants. She's fine with peeing on her own, but she just doesn't ever bother to try and run to the potty when she's got to go; she just does it in her pants. I'm at a loss about what to do as well. I hope you find an answer, though!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I have no experience since mine went thru mega PT regression and I went back to diapers in the fall (because I'm lazy! and I think they weren't 100% ready), so take my a$$vice with a huge grain of salt... But what if you tried to get her to sit on the potty with a DVD on before naps and 'reward' her with wearing her favorite undies at nap. She might have some accidents, but she might learn to go before she sleeps. GL figuring it all out!
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aaron did that. I figured as long as he wasn't wetting the underwear, I let it go. He knew what a diaper was for and that his undies weren't! I spent several months going back into the room about half an hour after putting him down for nap or bed and then changing him if he needed it. BM especially wasn't something I wanted to struggle about because it can cause major problems down the road. My approach was to let him know what was expected (keep underwear/clothes dry) and let him arrive at that on his own. He's a super heavy sleeper too and still needs a pullup most nights.
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