PTing question at nap/night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    We are going to give this a try this weekend - my question is for those that did this method did you sleep with your kids or how did you handle the nap/night training?
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I'm not worried about nap or night training. We let them wear pull ups for nap and night. They just stopped wearing the pull ups for nap a month ago because they were waking up dry. They still wear pull ups at night.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We just put them down and said, "remember to stay dry, tell us if you need to pee or poop" and hoped for the best! :pardon: Jack was night/nap trained in about 2 days, and has only had a handful of accidents in his crib since then. Nate took a bit longer, but he's now dry about 9 nights out of 10.

    I bought some disposable mattress underpads (Google "chux pads") to put under their sheets, which absorbed any accidents. :good:

    We still have a baby monitor in their room so we listen for them waking up at night. They're really good about saying "I need to go pee, Mama!" if they need to go.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did the 3 day program with my DS and at first we laid down chux pads, towels and a mattress protector for nap and night time. He was definitely dry through nap quicker then at night. For a long while, we would get him an hour after he went to bed to go pee and an hour before he woke up to pee. Like Valerie, we reminded him to try to stay dry and he had the little potty in his room to go if he needed to.
  5. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Hey Valerie :)
    We currently have them in separate rooms with their doors shut and knob locks on the inside so they cant escape ;) we do have a monitor outside their doors where we can hear them. So do you have them just call out to you or do you leave their doors where they can open and go to the bathroom by themselves? Did you do it this way from the get go or spend a night or 2 with them to help them get up and recognize when they have to go potty?
    Thanks for your help!
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Shelly's twins' date='30 August 2011 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1314728794' post='1815324']
    Hey Valerie :)
    We currently have them in separate rooms with their doors shut and knob locks on the inside so they cant escape ;) we do have a monitor outside their doors where we can hear them. So do you have them just call out to you or do you leave their doors where they can open and go to the bathroom by themselves? Did you do it this way from the get go or spend a night or 2 with them to help them get up and recognize when they have to go potty?
    Thanks for your help!
    My guys are still in cribs (and just in the last 2 weeks have figured out how to climb out :rolleyes:) so they didn't have the option to go by themselves when we started PT. We told them to tell us if they had to go, and we wake up and take them. We just put them down like normal, and went to bed ourselves like normal. I know in Lora Jenson's method she talks about staying in their room to hear them stirring (if they're having a hard time waking themselves up to go pee), but honestly I couldn't do that. :pardon: I need my sleep and I'm not going to lay on their floor until they figure out how to go to the bathroom at night! :lol: Jack got it pretty quickly, and I figured I'd rather clean up pee in the morning than be uncomfortable all night.

    We're transitioning to big boy beds after we get back from vacation, and we will start to move them toward getting up and going on their own at that point. Honestly, I think the biggest hurdle to this is the fact that they can't seem to get their underpants up by themselves! :unsure:
  7. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I did the program 100% and one was trained day and night in one morning. The rest of the days were dedicated to my other took closer to 5-6 days.For some reason they NEVER had an accident during naps. (I did and still do encourage going to the potty prior to naps/bedtime/leaving the house). I tried for over two weeks without any pull-ups and had my large waterproof pads at least 4-6. Luckily one was successful and to this day has only had a few accidents in a few months. But after two weeks I gave up on my other DD and she is wearing pull-ups at night. The same DD still goes #2 in her underware everyday.
    My advice would be not to give up before you try. Even having just one without pull-ups is huge! Give the program a chance first and decide on the pull-ups later.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I can't even imagine having to buy so many sheets and blankets or whatnot... yikes. Surely the blankets are wet if they pee too?

    Also, I had to laugh at having a potty in their room. Might as well let mine pee and poop on the floor.
  9. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Ha - mine do! Just yesterday morning I awoke hearing them playing and talking about dd going #2 on the floor! I have the door handle locks too, and took the potties out of their rooms once they were used as stools, toys, and throwing devices when they were first moved to toddler beds. I don't mind them being in pull-ups at night right now (turned 3 a few days ago), but they are throwing a wrench in my plans because they hate to go in their diapers so I guess I am going to try to leave a potty in their room and hope it doesn't become a disgusting mistake!
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