PT'ing day 13

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :help: HELP!!!! I'm :drown:

    So 13 days ago we decided to PT the twins. They will be 3 on the 21st and this is our second attempt. THe first attempt went really bad it was obvious that they were just not ready. Well this time was okay.
    But I'm having some issues and I just don't know what to do...
    A couple notes-- I don't use potty chairs just the insert that goes into the big potty. I also have never used pull ups with them. I tried with my oldest (ages ago) and he used them like diapers and I HATED them so I swore I would never use them... I'm leaving all of my options open at this point :lol:

    First -- only my ds has pooped in the potty--once. They wouldn't wear underwear at first and now when I put them in it they pee and poop in them so we've been avoiding them. Well that means the poop is getting everywhere :bad: No reward seems to help and dd will go on the potty 10 times before she poops in her pants and we watch her and take her as soon as she starts. My ds poops sometime in the middle of the night and doesn't seem to mind it. at. all. :nea:

    Day time they are great, tell me when they need to go or just go on their own. My dd has maybe woken up twice in the morning wet but ds wakes up every morning wet, and it's not new. I do take them before I go to bed and it doesn't seem to help him.
    They both wake up dry from nap and stay dry all day except for the poop.

    HELP ME!!!!

    These are my thoughts... Do I put them back in diapers and just try again in a couple months. Or do I put ds in pull-ups at night, for how long?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I can't help much with the poop issues (we were blessed that both my girls actually poop trained before they were completely dry), but I would say definitely yes on the nighttime pull-ups. Staying dry/unpoopy at night is not something he has any control over. My girls are 5 and Sarah is still in pull-ups at night. Every once in a while she has a dry night, but it's rare.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ahhh the poop thing. sorry to say, but we had about 2 months of poopy underwear for my ds. Finally in December it seemed to really click. I don't know what we did, but we did find that he loved ice-cream on our summer vacation - it doesn't like them and gives them loose icky stools, so we avoid it. but my thought was if they were pooping on the potty then no biggie... so I made a calendar reward chart, and showed a picture of the ice-cream cone etc. any time he remotely got poop in a potty we drew an ice-cream cone on the chart. the picture was a pic of them and my dh standing by a big ice-cream cone - taller than my dh. so he'd say "biiiig ice-cream cone" when he did a poop... so cute! no one outside of us understood what that was all about... I initially said when he had 5 ice-cream cones on the chart we would go for ice-cream as a family date... well, he didn't know the difference and really we waited until it was closer to a full week of no accidents... it took over 2 months. He's a pooping champ now. we ask if it's "coming" and he'll tell us "it's coming" or "no". if no, then he gets off the potty.

    I tell you our story to see if you can think of anything that's really big that they understand about for a reward?

    as for night time... I'd try restricting water/liquids 30 min. sooner, or even 1 hr sooner. like don't give them anything after 5:30p if they go to bed at 7:30p or 8p etc. what I've read is 1-2 hrs before bedtime... ours really need 2-3 hrs before bedtime.

    and make sure that you take them at least 2 to 3 times before bedtime. like before storytime and after.

    good luck! we have mostly dry overnights w/my ds, but my dd not so many with my dd. I keep wondering if I need some type of overnight diaper...
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    With my son I did the bottomless training. He got it down very quickly and only had maybe two accidents when bottomless. But it did take him some time to get used to pants. I tried undies and pants and he would wet them so then I did just pants until he was good and dry from that and then we worked on wearing the undies with pants. My guess is that the undies are tighter so it might feel a little more like a diaper, but I don't know.

    At night I would definitely put your son back into a diaper or a pull up. He is just not ready to go through the night without one.

    As for the pooping I don't know. I do know try to push them. We pushed my one daughter a little to much and she ended up being consitpated and she still has problems from that 5 yrs later. We didn't really push her but she saw our frustration and how up set we were and she is a pleaser so I am guessing she wanted to please us the way she knew how was to hold it in. You might want to get a small potty and see if they will poop in that. I have heard some kids are scared to poop in the big potty because of the splash or noise. I had one small potty and a ring for the big one. One of my girls liked to poop on the small potty in the beginning even though she had no problem peeing on the big one she just liked the small one better to poop.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    Minette you are right, he is just not ready for night. He doesn't seem to have any control and doesn't seem to care.

    Shelley thank you for telling me your story! I'll have to keep trying rewards and seeing if one sticks!

    Becky I'm glad I'm not the only one lol! They will wear pants so that's good just not underwear (without peeing in them). My dd has constipation issues already and our ped told us this would make things more difficult. So I've been giving her a lax to help and it does a bit, just not in time on the potty.

    Keep the advice coming :)
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    pp has a good point about the little potty vs. the potty insert. my ds won't poop on the toilet... he wants the "itl potty"... I think they can get the feet flat on the ground and feel more stable or something. also probaby something with the water too. the nanny says he's pooped on the toilet for her... but never for me!
  7. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No advice here just wanted to pop in and wish you luck...I am going through this with you right now!! :youcandoit:
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    FWIW, my DDs are 5 and Sarah still prefers the little potty. As a special favor to me, she poops in the big potty because she knows I hate to clean the poop out of the little one, but she usually pees in the little one. It's a combo of having feet on the floor and the fact that the little potty is next to the heating vent. :ibiggrin:
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  9. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We had to give my daughter prune juice and when that wasn't working very well anymore we went to myralax (when you needed a prescription for it, now you don't). It is very frustrating but in the end it's up to the child on what they want to do. My one daughter that trained later wanted nothing to do with potty training and then when she almost turned three she decided that she didn't want diapers anymore and had only a handful of accidents (we tried training her and her sister at the same time but she didn't want to do it and the pleaser wanted to).

    Yeah it took a while for him to get used to wearing undies and pants together. I did put a pull up on him when we went out until he got used to the idea of wearing both but aslong as he had on nothing or just pants he was accident free (both pee and poop thankfully).
  10. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I have an almost 2 year old and just can't do little pottys... It's hard enough keeping him out of the bathroom and we don't even have room in the bathroom for a little potty. But thanks for the thought!!
  11. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How about a little step stool next to the toilet? They can put their feet on it while going?
    Just a thought...
  12. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We do have a step stool but maybe a taller one... :) Thanks for all the support!! Potty training twins is SOOOOO much harder then just one!!!
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    When I PT'ed DS, I increased the foods that would make him poop to give him an incentive to put it in the potty (fiber one bars, blueberries, prunes mixed with grape jelly) and that really helped him for some reason :unsure: At night time, we still do what the 3 day method recommends, get him an hour after going down to sleep and have him go if he needs to and also get him an hour before getting up...basically I check on him before I go to bed and DH checks on him before he goes to work. In the meantime, we have the bed lined with a mattress protector, Chux pad and a I keep the potty in his room overnight in case he does have to go (but I know you said you are not doing little potties). The past two months he's had two accidents overnight so far.
    My DS was a notorious holder, even with a diaper or a pull up, he would hold his poop and pee until naptime or bedtime and basically flood the diaper so that was why we went to underwear day time and night time exclusively. I would say if that is something you don't have to worry about with your DS, I would put him in pull ups overnight and tell him that this is his special sleepy time underwear and he has to try to keep them as dry as he can.
    Good luck!
  14. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Thank you Nancy!!
    I hadn't thought about talking to him about the pull-ups, I love what you said!

    So those that cut liqueds before bed, how?!?! We do dinner at 6-6:30p then bath and they are in bed by 7:30... I have to give them a drink at dinner, do I just cut it down? to how much?
    Thanks for all the tips!!
  15. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    for the liquids... I would just try to conciensiously (how do you spell that?!) get more water in them before 5pm. then just give them a few ounces at dinner. for us it really works best to cut water at 5:15 or 5:30p and bedtime isn't until close to 8p... seems like ours need a lot of time.
  16. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We are early dinner eaters so we would eat around 5 with about a half glass of milk and if they got dessert at 6 they would get just enough liquid to wash everything down at the end (maybe three mouthfuls of water). Then had them go to the bathroom right before shutting the lights out for bed between 7 and 7:30pm. Mine slept in pull ups though until they were dry for three to four weeks, then we switched them to undies at night.

    As for the little potty our bathroom is very small too but we squeezed a little one in there, they liked to go at the same time sometimes and this helped put an end to the fighting over who goes first, when they were trained. Also I kept the bathroom door shut (my girls were almost 4 when my son was born but still liked to use the little potty for a while after that and he crawled at 6mths so didn't want him getting in there and for my son I watch my niece who is 9mths younger than him and didn't want her getting into the bathroom). So if they had to go they would just open the bathroom door or if they had trouble opening it they would call me.
  17. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Brigette, we are also early dinner eaters so we usually have dinner at 4:30 and around 5:00, they get their evening sippy of milk. They have until 6:15 to finish it and then that is it for the liquids. Now they if ask for some water or more milk, I will fill up half of a paper cup and let them have a couple of sips but they usually do pretty good without it.
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