PT Regression--how do I make it through this without going crazy?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JessiePlus2, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    DD has been in underwear except for naps and nighttime since early December. (We did the method right after Thanksgiving.) It took more like 5 days for her to be consistent with using the potty, but I've basically considered her potty trained for 4 months now even though she tends to have weeks of no accidents followed by a few days of multiple accidents per day.

    This latest stretch of accidents started a week and a half ago, and I am about ready to lose my mind. She's peeing more in her pants than she is on the potty now. She also doesn't care if she pees her pants. She'll keep on doing what she's doing in her wet pants. This feels like a huge step backwards as in the past she's been aware of her accidents and asks to get changed right away.

    Any suggestions on how to get through this? Will something click for her and she'll go back to using the potty again? Do I need to be doing something to help? I am so frustrated by this, and it's starting to seep into how I react to her accidents.

    I'm also gearing up to PT DS who is showing some major readiness signs. When naked, he tells me pretty consistently when he needs to pee! But I know I mentally cannot go through the stress of PT him while dealing with this regression with DD.
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I have no idea. I've been dealing with the same thing with one of my girlies. She was totally potty trained for about 6-7 months. Then the baby was born. I understand some kids regress, but he'll be a year next month. Get over it already, Sabrina! I've tried everything I can think of and am back to putting her in pullups at night because I was having to change the sheets 4-5 times/week. Some days she does well with 0-1 accidents. Some days it's 3-4. Ugh!
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had a total regression with Tyler a few months back. I think he was day trained for about 6 months and just not pooping in the potty and then he started peeing in his pants too. My Ped said to put him back in diapers for 2 months and dont ask about the potty at all. It was becoming a total power struggle. So, I did it. Even though I was so afraid that I was messing everything up. Well, we did it. And it worked. So, maybe go back to diapers for a bit :tomato: :pardon:
  4. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    A little update. I am taking her to the potty at least once an hour and that is helping a lot. She will go most of the time when I take her now. She had two accidents yesterday, which is way better than we had been averaging. I think I figured out what sparked the regression too. She is completely terrified of public bathrooms now after using one 2 weeks ago with an automatic flush. She shakes and cries when a toilet flushes now! I've been putting her on her little potty seat instead of the big toilet at home, and I've been it along when we're out and about rather than expecting her to use the regular toilet.
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Awesome. Just a tidbit of info on automatic flushers. You can take a piece of toilet paper and drape it over the sensor. It wont flush until you remove the paper. :good:
  6. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    It might not be really regressing as it may just be she is so involved with what ever she is doing she waits too long or ignores the urge. One of my two did this (and he had been pt's for quite a while). She is still pretty young, so easily involved in what she is doing. You may want to pay attention to time between drinks and when she goes potty for a while, that and look for THE moves (we all know what they are) and remind her for a while. My little one would tell me no at first and then decide he really did. Ok just read yoour update, yes the auto flushers freaked both of my two out. Partially because it was SO loud in an echo-y place to begin with.

    I think the biggest thing is just not to stress out about it, it will stress her out more and make it more of an issue. Good luck
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