PT readiness

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 1stbabies, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Think our girls (24-25 month) may be ready for PT?
    - one started to pulling off diapers
    - one complained "hurt" around her diaper and there is no mark (we didnot fasten the diaper tightly), no rashes etc...
    - they enjoyed sitting on potty for sticker yesterday ... more than before
    - whenever they peed when the diaper is off, they are kind of happy telling me "[name] peeing ... "

    Our schedule is tight this month to start to attempt 3-4 days PT. Do we miss the PT boat if we don't start when they are ready to PT ? i.e. more PT resistance a month or two later? I hope our schedule clear up to start in August or September.

    About getting activities ready for the day being near potties (we don't have big / shady yard, so hanging out in the yard may not be a good option for most of the day):
    I'm thinking of alphabet game, drawing on poster on the wall, few reading and movies. Any other indoor activities in small space would you recommended?
    I don't feel like I'm ready for those long 3 days yet indoor ...

    Thanks in advance for the feedbacks!
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I don't think you can 'miss the boat' so to speak. If they are ready they are ready, and will still be ready in a month. I think the thing that can happen with some children is, if you keep doing little odd bits for a month or more, the novelty/excitement of using the potty can wear off and then they seem less interested.
    If you're really busy this month then there's no harm waiting until you have a bit more time in your schedule. In the interim I would just stick to specific times when they get to have their diapers off and practice sitting on the potty-getting dressed in the morning and/or just before getting in the bath normally work pretty well. The other thing is I would not give them stickers until you're into full training, again you don't want them to be bored of the stickers before you even really start (unless your girls are sticker fiends and would still be excited to get one even after getting them for a month. I did stickers for all of mine and after 2-4 weeks none of them cared that much, which is great for weaning them off rewards but not so great if you need them to still want to get the sticker), for now I would just do lots of praise for sitting well on the potty and clap/cheer if they actually happen to do anything in the potty.

    As far as activities we did; colouring, sticking, play doh, puzzles, building blocks, cars, small animals. Really just whatever things they like playing with most should work.

    Good luck!
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  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins are 27 months. They go to daycare 2 days/week. They sit on the toilet 3x/day at school. They ask us to go bathroom at home. I am not ready, but they are and ask. I still let them wear diapers when we go out and night time though. I am no rush to get off diapers 100%. This process has been on and off. But this time just happened in 2 days. My daughter trained. My boy is not completely trained yet. I let them decide if they want to go to bathroom or not. So far, I'm happy. We save a big amount of diapers now. It didn't think it happens that early.

    You can try. But just give them the idea, don't rush. It will happen. Another thing, my kids don't like potty trainers. They think those are toys. They actually like to sit on the toilets I bought them toilet seats. They like to flush after and wash hand. To me, it's a new pain ;(. Good luck!
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