PT question regarding bribes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My DS, who is 3 1/2 years old, was having a hard time with potty training. So I tried bribing him with M&M's, and it worked!!! We've had almost a week with no accidents (knock on wood). But now I don't know how to stop the bribes. This afternoon I didn't give him a "treat" (bribe) and he cried a lot. I'm not sure how to make this transition to no bribes.

  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how to break that habit. :sorry: Could you try a sticker chart? Give him a sticker for every time he goes/no accidents and then maybe by the end of the day if he's had none he gets a treat? I hope someone comes along with something to solve your issue.
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    It took maybe about two weeks total to extinguish our bribes. I just stopped offering them and started a star-chart (which has about 50 spaces on it). We did the star on the chart, along with a treat, for a good week or so and then they just sporadically would ask for the treat and I gave it to them. Still now, DD will occasionally ask for a treat and I'll give it to her for going, but not before asking if she wants a star on her chart. They've each filled one chart and we took a trip to the dollar store and they were allowed to pick out a prize...we've even gotten off of that lately too. It's still on the fridge, but I don't mention it...we wash our hands and head back to playing 99% of the time.
  4. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    I started gradually phasing the M&M's out. First they stopped getting them for only putting 1's in the potty and they were only getting them for 2's. After that, I only gave them an M&M if they asked for it after putting 2's in the potty. Then I just told them we were out of M&M's and that I had to buy some at the store. Luckily they never reminded me to buy them when I was at the store and that was the end of treats. DH didn't like my reasoning, but it worked for my kids.

    Congrats on a good week with PTing.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    How about offering a large prize for a week without an accident. Then you can say that now that he has earned the prize, he is a big kid and no longer needs m&m's to go. If he questions, just remind him that he is a big kid, and big kids don't get rewards for doing what they are supposed to do--like going to the bathroom.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We kept doing the bribes long after they were PT'd. But after they quit thinking of going potty as a big deal, sometimes they'd forgot to ask for their M&Ms. If they remembered later, we'd still give them.

    But when we were getting near the end of our last bag of M&Ms, we warned them that pretty soon the M&Ms would be all gone. And then we wouldn't buy any more because they were so good at using the potty, they didn't need them anymore. They were fine with it.
  7. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I started off with 'forgetting' the treats when we went out. If they went while we were out and asked for the treat I just said "Oh, sorry, I forgot them." they always took it fine and went back to whatever we were doing. I also stopped offering the treat at home and only gave it if they asked, which they often forgot, then one day (once they were forgetting more than remembering-I think it took a couple of weeks) we 'ran out' of the treats at home. That was the end of it.

    If your son is better at remembering and asking for his treat then I think switching to a sticker chart is a good idea.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine eventually started forgetting to ask. If they don't ask for the treat, I don't give it.

    I also forget to bring them if we go anywhere. And they can't have any after they brush their teeth.
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