PT question about poop & nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by snyx, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. snyx

    snyx Active Member

    My twins will be 3 next month, and had some kind of PT epiphany on Christmas morning (best present ever!). They've been fully day/pee trained since then, with no accidents.

    My question is about our next step...

    They still wear diapers for nap and night, and they have been consistently holding their poops until those times. Would you suggest moving into training pants at naptime? That might also get them thinking about pooping on the toilet.

    (As a point of reference, on Christmas Eve we finally went to training pants at all waking hours, instead of just in 2-3hr spurts, and the next day they mastered peeing on the toilet.)
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My rule was 2 weeks of dry poopless diapers before night/naptime is diaper free. Kids at that age may not have the ability to regulate that while they are sleeping. They may sleep to sound to NOT pee or poop during that time. Unless you want to be cleaning a lot of bed sheets, I'd hold off until they stop pooping during nap. It'll happen. :) Good luck!

    :welcome: to Twinstuff!!!
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  3. snyx

    snyx Active Member

    They're not actually pooping in their sleep -- they're both pooping within minutes of being placed in diapers and in their cribs.

    That's why I wonder if training pants at naptime would get their poop-training on track.
  4. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It might, my DD was this way. She could hold her poop FOREVER if she was in undies! We finally figured out she just need privacy (hey don't we all!?) and solved the problem. My boys never held their poop but we waited til they were dry for about a month at naptime to ditch diapers/pull ups. They were all 2y2m when we potty trained. I would say if they are staying dry during nap time then I would extend the time before laying them down to give them ample time to poop...maybe change the reward (my one DS only did it after we offered gummy bears instead of M&Ms) or tell them they won't lay down til they poop. If they are staying dry besides that then yeah go for it! It was much easier for me to wash sheets than spend money on diapers and pull ups, I always have laundry to do;)
  5. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We are in a similar situation, except mine stay in their undies for nap. My daughter was holding pee all morning and then going in her pull up at nap, so we took it away. Her brother wanted to wear undies at nap too. About a third of the time he wets the bed at nap but since he really wants to do it I don't want to discourage. Mine will hold their poop all day, though, and go in their pull up as soon as they go to bed for the night. I'm not sure how to stop them from holding as I know they aren't ready for undies overnight. I'll be interested to hear what other people have to say about this!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My daughter did this. That was when I put the little potty in her room for nap time (she was out of the crib when she was PT-ing) and I went over with her that if she has to poop, to poop in the potty. It worked from the first day on.
    Now it sounds like your two are still in cribs, so that might not be an option for you right now. Maybe, before nap time I would say let's see we can poop in potty before we go to sleep. If they do, great and if not, don't make a big deal about it. I'd say, you know poop would rather go in the potty then in your pull up and I know some day you will do that. Just keep encouraging them. With my daughter, she was out of crib early(she was our climber), so we could do the little potty in her room when she was PT-ing
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering what training pants are? We use pull ups but it took forever for my kids to make a distinction between diapers and pull ups, heck my son still poops in his pull ups in the morning sometimes. If you're using pull ups, I'd definitely switch, it won't leak or anything in their crib.

    I'd consider moving them to toddler/twin beds though. They don't really have the choice but to go in their diapers if they're stuck in a crib.
  8. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    If you do switch to training pants, just watch out for constipation issues. Both of my girls were pee trained for quite a while before poop training happened. They would ask for a diaper to poop, when we tried telling them they needed to go in the toilet, it completely backfired (especially for one dd). She'd had issues with constipation in the past, but this brought it back on, plus it really wasn't worth the drama it caused (poor things were so freaked out about it!). So we backed off and let them have their diapers for pooping, only rule was they needed to go in the bathroom to do so. Eventually (like a month later), they both decided they were ready to use the toilet for pooping and haven't had an issue since. GL!
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