PT Progress-Are we on track?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hi there, last week I posted about my PT experience with one of my daughters...we've been at it coming onto two weeks now. She's been doing really well, in general she lets me know
    when she needs to go, is sometimes dry throughout her afternoon nap, and is wearing a pullup at night. We've had one accident-free day. She's been good when we're out too, even in underwear.
    Even in pullups she seems to be able to hold it. However, at home, if anything is different she seems to be sensitive to it...i.e. my friend was visiting and we were chatting, and I think my DD was
    shy to ask to go in front of my girlfriend (even though I was still asking her if she needed to go) so she had an accident. Also, I laid down while my husband gave them dinner (7 months preggers here) and she peed all over the couch, she wouldn't ask him at all, despite him asking her.
    Also, I find if she has one accident, i.e. after her nap or something, then she seems to have a few, like it takes her back a step.
    Does this sound like normal progress? I think she's doing great, but I'm wondering if I should continue with the same strategy or try anything else. I did the 3 day PT process to start, but I
    think we are not yet at the fully PTd junction here!
    Thank you.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds to me like she is off to a really good start. I think it is normal for kids to be shy to ask other adults to take them to the potty. I think I would stress to her if you have to go, it's okay to tell Mommy, Daddy, aunt or uncle, Grandma, Grandpa and it's okay to tell me when we have company.
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    That sounds like totally normal (and great) progress to me. Both my daughters had accidents when their routine was disrupted or when they were too busy playing to remember to go to the bathroom. I'd suggest having your husband or other caregivers set a timer or tell your DD that in 30 minutes it will be bathroom time. Then actually take her to the bathroom rather than just ask if she needs to go.

    We still do this on occasion, a full year and a half after potty training. Whenever we know they're likely to be seriously distracted (the zoo, a really exciting friend coming over to play, etc.) we herd the girls into the bathroom to "try". And for whatever reason, they're still not night time trained, at 3.75 years old. Someday!
  4. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Thanks to you both. That makes sense. I think trying new ideas to refresh it for her is a good idea. I'll work on it.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I try to make sure ours are told to go before we leave to go somewhere or when we get back to the house or the new location that we are at. other than that, the 3 day idea of asking if they are clean and dry -- and celebrating them being dry -- is a big motivator. And making sure to tell them to tell you when they need to go... no to keep asking if they need to go...

    they are young, but I think that they sound like they are doing great.

    we did haphazard training for a couple of months around 24 mo. then at 27 mo. is when we did the 3 day program. It was still a good couple of months before both of ours were really good for several hours. my ds could barely make it through our church's children's program at 27 mo. and that first month or so he'd have to run out and make a bee line to the bathroom at least one time if not 2 times in the hour program!

    we just kept asking if they were clean and dry and to tell them to tell us...
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