PT Pressure for Preschool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Okay I'll keep this brief, I'm sure EVERYONE is tired of PT problems!
    Anyway, in short-one DD was doing well months ago, then regressed quite a bit and wasn't interested, and I was far along in my pregnancy and gave up for a while. My second DD-no interest.
    They are 3 in September but were 3 months premature so I often give them that 3 month credit in age.
    Now, I have a third who is two months old. The girls are due to start a preschool program in September, which is four mornings a week and I think they would really love, but
    they are supposed to be PT'd and I don't know that it can happen in two months.
    So, I am not only overtired and overwhelmed with twins and a baby, I feel this enormous pressure to PT them and when I try they have nothing but accidents all day and
    I get frustrated and even more tired!
    What should I do? Keep trying all summer? Try to sneak them into school in pullups at least and keep working at it? Go loony tunes?
    Thanks everyone.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Ugh I don't know sorry. I'd keep trying all Summer I guess and hope it sticks. Mine are supposed to be PT in September as well, but the teacher is really cool about it and really doesn't care, so I'm not too worried about it.
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would see how strict they are about PT and then take it from there.

    We did 3 yr old Preschool and they were 'supposed' to be PT. Well when it started they were 2y10m and not trained at.all. The teacher was nice and it really did not matter.

    DD2 was potty-trained the month before 4 yr old PreK started (at age 3y 10m) in a matter of days. Before that no matter what we had no success.

    For 4 yr old preschool DD1 was still not PT. It was fine and it was a 4day a week 1/2 day program...we later found out that it was due to a congential digestive disorder. Now, that is very unlikey for most kiddos. But had I known when she was 3-- I woudl have viewed trying to PT her all differently.

    DD2 just needed to do it on her own time. When she was ready, it just happened.

    We were told preemies sometimes need a little more time and that is normal.

    If the PS does not budge on PTing, then maybe see if you have a back-up program that will be OK with it.

    No matter how stressed you are-- it will happen.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Definitely call the preschool director. Our preschool required full potty training for the kids in the 2 1/2 year old class, but was actually more lenient with the 3's. (I think it is due to maturity for the 2 1/2 year olds showing they are ready for school, but once the kids turn 3, the schooling becomes more important). Anyway, they really only wanted to make sure the kids had potty skills, like pulling their own pants up and down, wiping, and washing. They would change the kids if they had an accident. They also preferred the kids come in underpants and would deal with an accident over kids using a pull up.

    The other thing she told me is that many kids train in August, because the want to go to preschool starts to come into play. If you can, visit the preschool. Even though classes are over for the year, see if you can tour the building. That is a big motivator for many kids. And don't say "only two months". Once they decide they are ready, they can literally train overnight!
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I really liked the 3day potty training program by Lora Jensen (I believe). it's available online, and the words, phrases and thought process really helped me, and helped my twins. once they actually understand the process of sitting on the potty I felt like ours needed to understand the bodily function needs to potty... this theory really helps with giving them what THEY need to know when they need to potty.

    good luck! I think the idea of visiting the school building is great, a wonderful visual for the kids!
  6. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    Definitely call your preschool and talk to them about it - tell them you are having trouble. They may actually be willing to handle most of the potty-training for you. My girls' teachers had them daytime trained in a week.
  7. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    If you can just get them to a point where they know what they are supposed to do and how to do it - actually being in the school environment and watching the other kids use the potty really helps! Or at least, with my two, that was a plus! They weren't really trained at all before they started working with them at school (at 2.5), but were comfortable sitting on the potty and pulling their underwear up and down, etc. so when they got to school and saw others doing it they could act like they had been doing it all along too :)!
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat; my guys turn 3 in August, and I have enrolled them in a preschool program (2 days per week) that starts in September. I bit the bullet and got the 3 day potty training ebook and spent a *hellacious* 3-day weekend with DH going through this method. I saw pretty much zero progress in those 3 days; they were peeing and pooping everywhere, and could not tell me when they had to go. By the end of the 3rd day, I was in tears and had them in pullups.

    *BUT*, the next day my nanny (bless her heart), put them back in undies and kept up with it. On that fourth day, things really clicked. There have been some accidents along the way, but we started this whole PT thing on June 11 (not even 2 weeks ago), and I'd say that Jack is 95% day and night trained, and Nate is about 70% there (he still won't *tell* you he has to go; you have to catch him dancing around, and he's only woken up dry at night once).

    So from my experience, it doesn't really work in 3 days, but it takes kids a *long* way toward being potty trained. If you have the stomach for it, I'd say go for it. If I hadn't had the preschool pressure, I probably would have been a *lot* more relaxed about PT and let them do it at their own pace, but this method certainly got things started.

    Hope this helps! :)
  9. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I would highly recommend you do this program to kick-start your PTing. We did this a month ago and the girls are 98% trained (still go #2 in underware). But at least at school they ask to use the potty. They have had accidents and I KNOW that is nothing new to all preschools. So I would start fresh in July and you'll have at least two months to get them going. GL!
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