PT...nothing working...almost 4

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by happyfortwo, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. happyfortwo

    happyfortwo Member

    My boys will be 4 next month. My one son is almost completely potty trained...a few accidents here and there. My other son, however, is nowhere close. I started using pull-ups, then cotton training pants, then regular underwear, and finally just being naked. I have tried reward charts, cheerios in the potty, etc. He went one time on the potty a couple of days ago and I thought we were getting somewhere but no such luck. Yesterday he peed on the floor 3 times.... twice right by his potty chair! Any suggestions on what else to try? I feel like I have to keep trying because we have a preschool deadline coming soon!
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    No advice, but I'm right there with you. My boys are 3 1/2 and one is 100% PT. My other DS could care less. He's went potty 3 times, was very excited about gettin M&M's but the thrill has worn off.

    He will freak out when his pull up is wet and wants it changed right away. I try to explain to him that's why he needs to go pee in the potty.

    When I ask him "don't you want to be a big boy and pee on the potty" he tells me "no, I want to be a baby". :gah:

    I no longer talk about it. When he asks to sit on the potty I let him. I'm tired of stressing about it.

    I figure he'll do it in his own time. My hope is when they start school in a few weeks and he sees his classmates going to the bathroom, he will no longer want to wear pull ups.

    I'm also not looking forward to him pooping on the potty. He goes poop every 2-5 days so getting it to "click" for him is going to be a challenge.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I really liked the theory of the 3day ebook I bought. It's by Lora Jensen I think. Best $30 I spent!

    she has great ideas, how to not create power struggles, the phrases to say, what to watch for and how to encourage.

    mine were younger, when we started though I had tried for about 4-6 months before hand and we just weren't there. we weren't done in 3 days, but we made HUGE strides andnever looked back. it's underwear full time training, no pull ups and it worked for us. we had accidents, but they got the ideas quickly. I hope you have good luck soon!! being in the trenches of PTing for very long is very stressful if it's not going well! (with my ds the bowel movements were the worst... ugh! and I think the more I got exasperated the worse it got).
  4. muskokatwins

    muskokatwins Active Member

    I bought the 3 day Potty Training ebook...

    Cleared my schedule - finished all the chores and laundry and groceries - and planted myself at home for 3 straight days (hint, make sure the weather is nasty out before you do it so you are not tempted to go outside!!) - excruciating!! but totally worth it... my guys were 3.5 and no where near interested in the potty...could sit a whole day in a wet/dirty diaper if it was left to them... It worked! they were pee trained for all day and all night - it took a few more months to get the BM's completely done - but they've had maybe 10 pee accidents in the last 1 1/2 years due to not getting their pants down on time or playing too long and forgetting...

    Really worth it - really hard because you are closed in the house - but SO nice to be done with diapers... and like she says - get rid of everything! no diapers, no pull ups nothing!! Once you've done it there is NO going back!!!
  5. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Get rid of all pull ups diapers, cotton training pants and do Lora Jensen's 3 Day method. It worked for us! My kids were trained by day 3. They still have occasional accidents, but they are doing well!

    Follow her plan EXACTLY and stick to it 100%.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to give you an update on my DS. He has been dry for the past two days and now asks to go potty. :woohoo:

    As I mentioned in my earlier post, I just gave up for the time being and let him decide when and if he wanted to go potty. I was tired of talking to him about it because he just did not care. He would watch his brother, cheer him on, but had no desire to do it himself.

    I think what really did it for him was when we went camping a few weeks ago and he kept wanting to come with his brother to the bathroom. We would not let him try because every single time he did, he would stand there for maybe 10 seconds and tell us it was too hard.

    Then all of a sudden, two days ago he asked to go and he did and has been ever since.

    He's pretty stubborn and I just think he just needed to do it in his own time.

    If you asked me a week ago if he'd be peeing on the potty, I would have said no way.

    I know it's hard, but when you DS wants to do it, he will.

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