Ok..I'm so annoyed. Right now the boys get 1 m&m for pee and 2 for poo poo. Sometimes we switch it up to smarties. They also get a sticker chart so for every 5 stickers they get a special surprise (lollipop, hershey kiss)...I'm also having them go commando right now. The problem I'm having is they will go to the potty and not even 1 minute later will decide they want another m&m so they will try to go again and will get mad if I don't give them one if they don't go..well of course they can't go they just went 1 minute ago. OR...they will get an m&m for going but realize they wanted a smartie and will do the same thing....OR they will keep trying to sit on the potty to get the special treat. SO..did I just screw this up? I did the sticker chart to keep them motivated and the 5 sticker thing was to keep them motivated b/c it looked like they were getting sick of just the m&m and didn't want to keep trying. It's turning into more of a battle than anything!! HELP
One of my girls played me like that. I then told both that since they were getting so good at going pee, that we were only going to give M&M's for poops. There was some resistance and fits on their part, but I didn't give in. They got over it. :good:
LOL Nope, didn't screw anything up! It's a novelty right now and they want a LOT of m&m'... Mine did that. We just sort of stopped mentioning that the would get candy/cookie/sticker when they went pee, and would only give it to them if THEY asked. Then I got smart and started giving them the mini m&m's... At first they wanted ALL of them an would pee on demand, every 5 minutes.. But they grew out of it and the novelty soon wore off. It took about 2-3 weeks for it to completely wear off but then they just stopped mentioning it and candy gave way to high fives, then not even that...
How far into it are you? We started earlier this week, and they're also doing the pee-every-10-minutes thing sometimes to get a chocolate chip. For now, I don't mind, because it's giving them LOTS of practice with conscious bladder control. If it keeps up, well, I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it! :lol: (And come here for ideas.)
I agree. If you are pretty sure they've got pee down, then I would drop the reward for pee. I would also call them on their bluff if they just peed five minutes ago. They can wait, they won't pee themselves if they just went. I think I only did rewards for pee like the first couple days. Well, with Ainsley I had to do a chart for staying dry. If she stayed dry until bedtime for 10 days, she got a special toy. She was quite the challenge to get PT'ed. I wouldn't overdo it on the rewards though.
After about five days when I knew they had pretty decent pee control I said we had to wait half an hour and I would set a timer to say when it was time to go potty again. After a day or so I moved it to an hour for another day or two. (I started by saying we needed to wait five minutes, then ten minutes, etc. The first few days when I said we needed to wait, they usually couldn't wait any length of time.) By about two weeks in, I would only ask them if they needed to go if we were going somewhere or it was nap or bed time. I felt like if they couldn't decide on their own when they needed to go and needed me to remind them all the time then I was the one being trained, not them! lol Once we got to that point (them initiating most of the time) I switched to only giving the reward when they asked. A few more weeks we switched to rewards only for poops. Oh, the first day or so (or more depending on how well they were doing with it since each kid was a bit different) I gave the reward for even just sitting and trying as long as their undies were dry. Then we switched to rewards when they produced something. GL!