PT - 3.5 yrs old almost a week and NOTHING !

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by heathertwins, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    So I started monday to PT my one twin. Not because I think she is showing any signs or is ready but because it is July and she will start school in Sept !!! Her twin has been PT for several months and it took a few days but she is good. My daughter knows her ABCs, remembers books better than her twin, has had periods of hearing loss which is now finally fixed with tubes in her ears, some low tone -- not able to really jump yet but not bad with gross and fine motor skills. Like a previous poster we have used the term "lazy". She eats better if we feed her (which we don't do often) she weights 24 lbs (maybe less) , she is a happy kid bit of a "princess" with loving clothes and ballet, etc. So starting Monday it was into panties but it is now Friday and even with going to daycare twice in a week and seeing other kids, she doesn't care. She has NEVER peed on the toilet, and one poop was almost an accident I think. She will be wet or poop in her pants .... AND NOT EVEN SAY ANYTHING !!! That is what I get frustrated with. I tell her you must tell Mommy, I dont want you to get a sore bottom, but again and again. On Thursday at daycare she was completely soaked outside in the yard and said nothing to anyone. No signs of autism, no genetic issues.

    I just put her back into diapers right now. My dh is away this week and with no signs i just dont' see why continue to try. ANY advice Please. Seriously, even if it seems out there or anything I just wonder when this kid is going to mature.

    thanks for any help.

  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't have any good news to share, I'm afraid. My BF's daughter has low muscle tone and autism. She is not potty trained (& is 7). The problem isn't really her autism, it's her low muscle tone. Evidently the low tone can affect 'feeling' the urges to go. I would ask your pedi how training differs with a kid who has low tone. :hug:
  3. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    My DD is low toned as well. She is physically and mentally far behind her sister. Her speech right now is 3-4 hard to understand words. However I can say she was pee trained in 5-6 days using the 3-day potty method. It was an exhausting 3 days that helped kick off the process. I almost gave up but she was successful the end of day 2. Again she wasn't fully day trained for almost a week. She still needs to be reminded to go to the bathroom and does wear a pull-up at night (she still needs to work on #2 as well). However for the time she is at school she is dry and somehow only had one #2 accident (I think she just holds it). You might want to do this program or any "professional" program to get things started.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the other issues you mentioned, but I highly recommend the 3 day potty training method found online - by Lora ____.

    I remember watching like a hawk for signs of an accident and rushing to the potty and making a big deal about it, even if they get 1 drop in.

    good luck! hopefully following a program that's tried & true will help.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I also did the 3 day method about a month ago; it wasn't done in 3 days, but by the 4th we had made significant progress. I'd say Jack is 100% day and night trained, except for a few poop accidents (couldn't get to the potty in time; his bowels move FAST!), and Nate is 99% day trained/60% at night. I think this method is really effective, but I won't lie; it can be BRUTAL. There were many tears that first weekend, even though we tried so hard to keep it positive, and our house was a human-waste covered disaster by day 3. :( I think the author of this method is right that it can be more difficult to do 3 day PT if the kids are older than 2.5 (I think that's the age she said); they are more stubborn and willful. Nate in particular was very resistant to telling us he had to go, but he's MUCH better now.

    I also have to say that since we started this PT thing, Nate has developed a horrible stutter, and some days cannot even speak. It might be purely coincidence, but I have this horrible fear that we put too much pressure on him "telling" us he had to go potty and this is the result. He's always been hyper verbal and I'm really heartbroken over this. :cry:

    I'm not trying to scare you, but I was under the same time crunch with going to preschool, so I did this method and wanted to give you my experiences.
  6. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I will look online for that 3 Day program. When I did a search online they also mentioned about having them go "Commando" without any underwear. I did PT from Monday and by Friday I was over it with zero success. She didn't tell me once she had peed or even pooped. So now to research this 3 day program .

    thanks everyone for your opinions.

  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    this is the method many of us are referring to. she does underwear training, not "commando"!! :)


    by Lora Jensen
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