prune juice

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Colette+2, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. Colette+2

    Colette+2 Well-Known Member

    our pedi has given me the okay to give them a little prune juice because although the soy formula has helped with the gas they are now getting constipated a bit. I've seen that a few of you have done this as well. How much did you give them and how much water did you mix it with?

  2. Colette+2

    Colette+2 Well-Known Member

    our pedi has given me the okay to give them a little prune juice because although the soy formula has helped with the gas they are now getting constipated a bit. I've seen that a few of you have done this as well. How much did you give them and how much water did you mix it with?

  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I haven't had to do this, but, I have read other posts that say they usually give 1oz prune juice, and 1oz of water together. HTH! [​IMG]
  4. HH996

    HH996 Well-Known Member

    We were told 1 tbs of each on day 1. If it doesn't work, double it the next day. If this doesn't work, triple it the next day. It worked for us on the first day.
  5. Ava&Emma's mom

    Ava&Emma's mom Well-Known Member

    Our dr. recommends replacing 1oz of the water in the formula bottle with 1 oz of prune juice. (Makes the bottle look gross but the babies loved it)! You can do it twice a day if needed. Worked like a charm!
  6. ksls

    ksls Well-Known Member

    We used to put just a splash in each of ds's bottles. Doens't change the taste too drastically and we didn't have to make up a separate bottle of juice.
  7. TrickiWoo

    TrickiWoo Well-Known Member

    We did 1/2 oz of juice diluted in 2 oz water, though my babies are a bit younger than yours are. The pedi didn't say how much water but I didn't want the taste to be too strong.
    It really worked well for us too, we only had to give it to them once. We also froze the rest of the juice in an ice cube tray and put the cube in a freezer bag so the next time we need it we won't have to run out to buy prune juice and the bottle we bought won't be wasted (I'm sure not drinking it, yuk. Tastes like a glass of raisins [​IMG])
  8. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    We use prune juice on a daily basis here in our house! I mix it with one of the boys' cereal in the morning since he takes that easier than in a bottle. I don't know if you are to the point of starting cereal yet but that is another alternative. Like others said you can also just put a little bit in the bottle in addition to or replacing some of the water. Prune juice has worked wonderfully for us and I hope that it works for you too! [​IMG]
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