Problems with nurses

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Britten, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I've been in the hosptial for 3 1/2 weeks and (surprisingly) in all that time I've only had 2 nurses that I didn't like and both of them were on the night shift!

    The first time I had a problem was actually more with her interpretation of the doctor's orders r/g my monitoring then a personality conflict I think....though I thought she was a bit rude. I spoke with the charge nurse and she got the orders clarified so it wouldn't happen again, and I haven't seen that nurse since - even though I didn't ask that I not see her again.

    The one that I had tonight though - she gives me some serious anxiety. She's not rude....just overzealous. When the night nurses come in and they are friendly and relaxed...... then I feel friendly and relaxed. But both times I've had her, she seems determined to do some kind of "nursing" - where unnecessary intervention is the last thing I need right now. She made me so anxious from the moment she walked in the door. When I get anxious and upset, I contract. I actually had to argue with her over the number of contractions I had while on the monitor. I've been a wreck ever since.

    I don't want to be a pain, but I think I should call the nurse manager tomorrow and request she not be assigned to me again. I can't lay here in fear every night for the next 6 weeks, worrying that she's going to walk through the door.

    Has anyone else boycotted a nurse before?? I feel bad, but I feel like I might have to do this for my own sanity.
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Yes! You can. Just tell the charge nurse or your doctor and they should be able to take care of it. I had a nurse that I had to ban from my room while on hospital bedrest too! I don't think they ever said anything to her, they just didn't assign her to me anymore.
  3. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    i have boycotted my old dr. for one that loves his job. i say if you are not comfortable with someone around you then ask for the change. you are suppose to be comfortable and not have to deal with other unwanted stress. especially fro the hospital staff. Good luck!
    lots of love!
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Definitely speak up. I had a hosipital social worker that would come visit me every few days and ask how things were going. I also had a volunteer team come around and kind of survey me. I complained about one nurse and never saw her again. Although I did not go through the formal channels of speaking to the call nurse, I vented to the right ears and she was no longer an issue for me.

    So definitely speak up. Just my two cents. But it is easier to be brave when you are on the other side of the fence. ;)
  5. ExpectingTwins 7-31-07

    ExpectingTwins 7-31-07 Well-Known Member

    I would talk to someone so that nurse does not come in your room again. You do not need any stress.

    When I was pregnant with my second son I went into PTL at 7 months and I went into L&D I told the nurse that I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart. She looks at me and says that is all you came in for? I was so upset and it made me feel like I was over reacting. At my next OB visit my doctor told me if I started contracting again to go back to L&D. I told him I will only go if I have them so bad that I can't stand it because of what the nurse had said. He asked what she looked like and when I told him he said he knows who she is and he would take care of it.
  6. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    You really have enough to deal with without having to deal with nurses like that too. I personally find the very act of contraction monitoring to be one of the most stressful I've ever dealt with and nothing should exacerbate that. I am on home monitoring for my ctx and HATED one night nurse who made me like crap one night - for no good reason. I not only mentioned it to my doctor, and then to my main nurse thru the monitoring service as well. Your situation is no different. If you don't want this nurse again, do not feel bad speaking up about it! you can talk to the charge nurse, or if that doesn't seem to get you anywhere, mention it to your doc - I'm sure he doesn't want you putting up with add'l stressors right now either!
  7. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I called the nurse manager this morning and had a long talk with her. The manager herself described the nurse as "overbearing" and "aggressive"....however, she did say that the nurse was probably doing her job better then some of the other ones! But she said she is about 99% sure that I won't have her again. I wanted to tell her that I'm 100% sure I won't because I'll ask her to leave, but I let it go.

    The monitoring process does put me over the edge twice a day. It completely stresses me out. The peri that was in today said he thinks I shouldn't have it done unless I start to feel regular contractions....but the OB says that they have to "treat me aggressively" based on the monitoring. Two completely different opionions once again.

    I'm on my 4th week of hospital bedrest and I feel like I'm losing it. Every little thing is bothering me at this point. I am completely mental. I would not wish this on anyone.

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