Problems Eating

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by fancybeltran, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem with their pregnancies.

    I am currently losing weight. I dont have an appetite.

    I had to go to the hospital a couple of days ago because I was vomitting constantly.

    So their prescribed me Zophan and gave me some IV fluids to help with the rehydration.

    Yesterday I went to the dr only to find out for the last two weeks I have lost two more pounds.

    She said that she would give me some phenagan.

    I havent had any naseau since then. But I am not hungry.

    The babies look ok.

    But has anyone gone through this. Did you have to get to the point of making yourself eat.

    I mean I am scare to eat until I feel full for the chance of throwing up.

    But I want to gain the weight.

    What do you think?
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who is 14 weeks preg. (w/one) and lost 5 lbs during the first trimester. Her morning sickness was so bad she couldn't care for her toddler. She felt better after she was given meds (not sure which ones). I think it took about a week for her to get her appetite back. She has gained the weight back and although is very tired, is not throwing up any more. I got the flu (or maybe it was morning/all day sickness) at 15 weeks and had to get an iv also. I know how bad you feel now, but it should get better soon!
  3. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ Apr 9 2009, 03:59 PM) [snapback]1266263[/snapback]
    I have a friend who is 14 weeks preg. (w/one) and lost 5 lbs during the first trimester. Her morning sickness was so bad she couldn't care for her toddler. She felt better after she was given meds (not sure which ones). I think it took about a week for her to get her appetite back. She has gained the weight back and although is very tired, is not throwing up any more. I got the flu (or maybe it was morning/all day sickness) at 15 weeks and had to get an iv also. I know how bad you feel now, but it should get better soon!

    Thank you for responding!!!

    It makes me feel like it is a brighter side to this.... So I will give it some time.


    hugs :hug:
  4. shlbifish

    shlbifish Well-Known Member


    Well, I am 30 weeks PG with twins and I've only gained a grand total of 11 lbs this whole time. I've gained 2, lost 1, gained 1, lost 1, the cycle went on and on. In the last week ( I wore my shoes this time) I gained 2 lbs in a week.

    I had horrible morning sickness which I think did me in the first and second trimester. Now I just eat and eat and eat, and can't seem to gain much very fast.

    I started at 190 lbs (5'8'') so I'm 'overweight' but my OB still had initially said that I was to gain 35-45 lbs. With my first pregancy I gained 35 lbs.

    My OB is fine with everything as long as the babies are growing well.

    I say, don't fret.... things WILL get better with time! Make sure you share your concerns with your doc though!
  5. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain on that one! I spent way too much time puking my guts out and when i wasn't, i couldnt seem to eat either! I forced myself little bits at a time throughout the day as i could manage. My m/s got better, but i am still having some trouble eating (probably partly linked to the fact that i really couldnt eat for so long). I lost weight in the beginning and still haven't gained much, but as my boys seem even a bit on the bigger side, everything must be fine. Good luck! :hug:
  6. sheila185

    sheila185 Well-Known Member

    I am 26w and I have no gained but 2 pounds this last month or so....and I am not worried about it as long as the babies are healthy. My Dr said "Oh you gain more weight, it's ok". Sometimes I do not feel like wating but I do anyhow because I know they need it, I would not worry about ti too much as long as the babies look healthy!

    Good luck
  7. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    Wow that sounds just like me!!

    I ended up on Zofran, phengran, etc and in ER for Rehydration too!!! I ended up losing 15lbs, maybe more! I could smell everything, urine in bathrooms, the smell of meat cooking was disasterous!! Everything smelled sounded disgusting. I would look at food and cry.

    You gotta drink water, even 1/2 cup an hour, something!! Because if you don't your bowels will stop moving and that is a really painful process!! Probably not cold water, just lukewarm but try to sip and sip.

    Those babies are really really small right now and they don't need the food that your thinking, seriously!!! You need more food to operate than they do. They will be fine, seriously.

    You need to experiment with eating. A fruit smoothie with protein powder? Sunflower seeds, melons, crackers?? and just a little at a time, preferably after meds have set in. My absolute favorite foods before I got pregnant were the ones I was able to get down when I couldn't get others down.

    Alot of people recommended ginger candies, tea, altoids, etc.
    What I really found out when I started asking questions here, in the OB Waiting room, or even in the grocery store- ALOT of women get morning sickness. Even with a singleton, some women can hardly eat anything their entire pregnancy, others stop at 3 mos (as if set to a clock) and others are a variation of inbetween.
    The last is me I think- I still take Zofran, can't eat/smell meat, and went to a nutritionist for meal plans to make sure when i was eating that I was eating the best I could.

    Go for walks too. This helped me get out of bed, clear my head, and get my bowels moving again.
    Omega 3's are impt at this time too.

    It'll end. YOu can get through this part. It is pretty awful- for me one of the worst experiences of my life. Good LUCK!
  8. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Morning sickness is the worst.. but you will survive it! Keep taking the meds, and just eat in very small amounts all day long. If the "full" feeling bothers you, just eat a handful of something at a time. If you can get food into you and it will stay down, you will start to feel better, but I totally understand that fear of throwing up. I had lots of days where I just didn't even want to eat, even though I knew I had to. Good luck.. I know it's rough, but fortunately it goes away.. even if you have to wait until the babes are born.
  9. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    I too am suffering badly from the morning sickness. Food is really difficult for me as well. Even though my belly is growing, I am told that the rest of me is decreasing in size. I am definitely not eating as much as I should, but I do concentrate really hard on making myself eat as much as I can. As a pp stated, you have to experiment with food. Lately I have been able to keep grilled cheese sandwiches down and rice krispy cereal have been my saving grace. Fruit definitely works as well. Keep trying, you will eventually start to eat. Sometimes it will still come up but the more you persevere, the better you will get at it. Hope you feel better.
  10. ptyflack1

    ptyflack1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sparkle77 @ Apr 9 2009, 05:47 PM) [snapback]1266454[/snapback]
    I too am suffering badly from the morning sickness. Food is really difficult for me as well. Even though my belly is growing, I am told that the rest of me is decreasing in size. I am definitely not eating as much as I should, but I do concentrate really hard on making myself eat as much as I can. As a pp stated, you have to experiment with food. Lately I have been able to keep grilled cheese sandwiches down and rice krispy cereal have been my saving grace. Fruit definitely works as well. Keep trying, you will eventually start to eat. Sometimes it will still come up but the more you persevere, the better you will get at it. Hope you feel better.

    I was on Zofran till 20 or so weeks as needed for N/V. Twin pregnancy hormones levels tend to be higher than that of singleton pregnancies. I lost wt 33 lbs to be exact. I now have gained all that I lost and now am at exactly prepreg wt. Your appetite will be ferocious later.

    Take good care.
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