Problem with protein drinks..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by melstofko, May 28, 2008.

  1. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    Okay so i switched from my homemade whey protein shakes at the advice of the very respectable Dr. DeLia and was pleasantly surprised to find that they did not taste as bad as I thought they would, stomach has been acting up horribly ever since. Did anyone else have this experience? Did it go away with time? I also have noticed that sipping 3 throughout the day as he recommended (leaving it in the fridge and taking a gulp every hour or so) has majorly killed my appetite which is beside the point of taking them at all. Any suggestions? Thanks. Melanie
  2. mommyto8

    mommyto8 Well-Known Member

    hmm.. again.. I was never told to drink them slowly though I haven't talked with anyone but my MW, OB and Peri about it. I just chug one in the morning with breakfast.. and one in the evening with dinner or shortly after.

    I have noticed some icky indigestion though. Tums seems to work for it right now.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was never told to drink them slowly either - I also just chugged them! I don't know about the tummy trouble but maybe if you eat and drink at the same time it will help??? good luck!!
  4. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    i was never able to keep those protien shakes down :huh: nothing really was great in my pg to eat but i stil managed to gain 50 lbs thou :rolleyes:
  5. victoria1972

    victoria1972 Member

    Boost is a really great ready-made high protien drink. It has 15 grams of protein. I drink 2 a day, as well as eat many other forms of protein so I can have healthy babies this fall. There is also knock-off protien drinks that can have as much as 13 grams of protein.

    It's VERY tough trying to make sure you get enough protein, but you think I am doing this for my babies.

    I ate a high protein diet w/my single last year and he was 8lbs 3oz at 38 weeks. Not bad....and all the food was in the belly not anywhere else. You can be smart with what you eat and not hate yourself afterward b/c you allowed yourself to "let go" when pregnant.
  6. davispigeon

    davispigeon Active Member

    I'm curious...what was wrong with your homemade whey protein shakes? I was thinking of getting some whey protein powder and making protein shakes myself 'cos the pre-made protein drinks are way too sweet for me.

    I also find that the protein drinks absolutely kill my appetite.
  7. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    Dr DeLia also told me to drink them slowly, but I could not stomach them any way but cold. (So I had to drink them faster.) It also has killed my appetite (well, that and there's no room now, haha). I just tried to keep up the 3X daily with focus on protein at meals too. . . like lean meats, cheese, etc. I cut back on sugar-y foods, instead trying to maximize nutritive-packed foods.

    My nurses have told me that even if I can't eat the other foods at this point, try to keep up with the shakes at least 2X day. They are fortified of course. I think it's better to drink them fast than not at all.

    My stomach has revolted a couple of times, but it had more to do with eating other foods that might be gassy, etc. I take a break from them every once in awhile and eat something else with nutritive value that I'm craving. . . like a real choco milkshake or high quality cheese/crackers,yogurt or cottage cheese with peaches. . .

    I do believe they helped our condition with TTTS improve/stabilize. (I think I was malnourished after bad morn/sickness and following the GD diet way too strictly even tho I was just borderline GD.)
  8. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    Dr. DeLia (who is a specialist in the field of TTTS) just said that his research was conducted using high protein Boost/Ensure so he can only say for sure that those work. He also said that it is not only about extra protein, but extra calories, vitamins, and minerals and he did not know what the Whey powder consisted of so he could not endorse using it. I personally really don't think it would hurt to make your own. It is definately better than nothing and it is a lot cheaper.

  9. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    Sorry I replied in the wrong post so your reply is a couple down. Are your twins identical and sharing a placenta? I think that is what his research was based off of was preventing or lessening the rate of TTTS. I know he also likes you to up your protein because of the risk of PTL and increasing the size of the babies but if you are not mono/di or mono/mono than I am sure that the whey protein will be adequate. Melanie

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