Probiotics question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by chellebelle, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I have some bio gaia probiotic drops for my older dd and we were thinking of adding some to our twins formula since they are so gassy. (FYI they are breastfed all but 1 or 2 feeds a day.)I know I have read alot about them on here but the one thing I didn't read about them was using them in warm formula. Mine says to use only in, or on cold food or beverages, heating or using the drops in warm/hot liquid will kill the good bacteria which is the whole point of this isn't it? Now I'm confused. So I just did a quick google and found some powders and they all said cold liquids too. So can anyone enlighten me on this??? TIA!!!
  2. mnm000

    mnm000 Well-Known Member

    My DS is actually on the probiotic drops - the same brand even BioGiai. He's currently on antibiotics due to an ear infection, and our pedi recommended them. Yes, hot liquids can kill of the good bacteria - and that's the whole point of the drops. You are supposed to store the biogiai drops in the refrigerator.
    What I do for DS is tip the bottle to the 45 degree angle like it says to over a spoon and let the 5 drops come out. It's a pretty small amount, and then just stick the spoon in his mouth upside down, and run it over his tongue. The spoon comes out clean, and he doesn't spit anything out. I don't know if this is the best way to give them or not, but it's what I've been doing. Hope this helps!
  3. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you read labels, because I have ordered those same drops as well as two probiotic powders (Udo's and Natures Way), and I am currently using the drops, which are almost gone. However, I've been adding them to room temperature formula....maybe that's why I haven't noticed a difference in my babies' gas and tummy issues! :p Though I'm a little surprised they say to only put in cold how quickly do they die in warm liquid, given that the baby's mouth, esophagus, and tummy are warm??
  4. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    Now I put it in the boys fruit which is already cold. Before they were eating I would warm up the bottly first then put the powder in right before I fet them. I didn't know that there was a liquid but if you can just put the drops directly into their mouth that should work fine. I noticed a difference in my boys even though I put it in their bottles.
  5. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if you put it in after you warmed it if it would be ok if they ate it right then. Hmmm maybe I'll talk to my pharmacist as the drops are behind the counter here. But the spoon trick might work too. Also I use the D drops for breastfeeding, you know the ones where it's just one drop on the nipple. Maybe we could just put a few drops on their soothers like many questions and too many kids (including older ones) and not enough hands to take them all to doc appointments to ask these silly questions rofl. ;)
  6. nikio95

    nikio95 Active Member

    My box directions on the liquid Bio Gaia don't say to only put it in cold liquid, only don't put it in hot liquid. So I have been putting it in EBM once it is warmed from the fridge. But I only warm it up to room temp, not hot, and I have noticed a HUGE difference in my girls. In fact, I ran out of the drops this weekend and there were a few days without any...definitely a BIG difference.

  7. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks, I'll look for the insert again. Dangit I just looked and can't find it. I may have taken what it said to mean nothing but cold when it in fact said no hot. I do remember it saying it was ok to put in cold foods, a lot of good that does me with 6 week olds LOL. Glad to hear you've noticed a definite difference. Just any of you like the drops better than powders and why/why not? Thanks!
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