probably stupid shopping cart question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Erica92, May 7, 2008.

  1. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    ok this is probably stupid BUT here goes...

    Now that my twins sit up unsupported I thought that I could start putting them in the upper protion of the shopping cart and I swear I've seen shopping cart covers for twins BUT (and here's the stupid part) don't all shopping cars only have room for ONE set of legs to go thru the holes??? Where does the other twin sit? Can only one sit up there?

    Sorry for my stupid question but I'd love to ditch the stroller and put them in the cart and if I've seen twin shopping cart covers than I feel there MUST be a way.

  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Sam's club has double holes for more than one child. When they could sit unassisted, I would put them in the upper basket facing each other.
  3. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    oh and ps does anyone know where to find a twin shoping cart cover?
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    This is the one I got. I can only used it at Sams Club and Costco. But you can use it for just one child too. So if you have an older child or just take one out for an errand it works too.

    Double Kozypal Cart Cover
  5. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I ordered our covers from Baby A La Cart. I ordered 2 single ones, but they do sell double ones, too. I've been very pleased with their service and have ordered about 7 of them from this company for shower gifts for relatives and friends. Plus you can send them a fabric of your choice. As I am writing this post, their website appears to be down, but I hope it is up and running again soon.
  6. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Most places you can't just put 2 in the front of the cart. I wish more places had double seats. Unless you do, it is back to the stroller for us twin moms.
  7. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    Like the others have mentioned, it is hard to find places with double leg holes. Costco has them, and their carts are nice and big. I understand that some Safeways do, but none around me have them. I go to a small market called New Seasons (in Oregon) and they have one cart that fits two. I have to hope it is available when I go there. I have asked at all of the other stores if they would consider getting some. I will continue to ask, and I hope more moms ask as well. Maybe with enough requests, we will be heard. I mean, you don't have to have twins to have two kids. I would think a lot of moms would appreciate the double carts.

    Oh and I got my twin shopping cart cover off of Amazon.
  8. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I have to admit ~ before I had the twins I never thought about someone needing to place two kiddos in the front of a shopping basket. :blush:

    But believe that I'm a mommy to twins I wonder "What the heck? Why aren't all carts made for two?" You don't even need to have twins, just a couple of kiddos that are close in age ~ or that want to sit in the cart. I have no idea what mommies to triplets and higher order multiples do

    I haven't put both kiddos in a single seating shopping cart yet ~ I was/am concerned that they might 'fall' out (even though I'm right there with them...YES, I'm a lil OCD sometimes ;) ) since they won't have a seat belt holding them in. Does that make sense?

    I love Costco though ~ they both sit up there and are SO proud of themselves :p

    April :)
  9. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I just put both in the front seat, even if it is made for one. I put one leg of each girl through the each leg hole ( Usually I put their inner legs through and outer legs not) and the other one folded up indian style. It seems to work. I don't like to go to places that have shallow seats, but places like Target and the grocery store near us work just fine. I guess I just take the risk that they aren't seat belted in, but I've never had a problem - they love sitting there - and I usually keep one hand on them or near them at all times.

    I don't use a shopping cart cover - I figure a few germs are good for the immune system! :)


    ETA: My babies are on the smaller side - at their one year apt one was 18 pounds 13 oz and the other 19 pounds 4 oz
  10. ejiran

    ejiran Well-Known Member

    I've put both in the seat and had them facing each other or had their legs curled up in front of them. It works pretty well, although DS is getting too big to fit that way. We shop at Walmart and their carts are made to just have one child up there. I may try the one leg through thing, though. It is so much easier to get groceries that way.
  11. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm a bad mommy, but I put Baylinn in the front and buckle her in and Breena in the basket part on a folded up blanket and with some toys. Breena doesn't pull up to standing very good yet, so she stays in one spot. Baylinn is a monkey, so that's why she has to be belted in.

    We have two of those cart covers but mine are a big pain to open and close back up, so I carry disinfecting wipes in the diaper bag and just quickly wipe everything down before putting them in.
  12. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    I bought our twins cart cover from They'll ship if to the store for free. I love that thing! It has loops to attach toys and pockets to store keys, phone, wallet, etc. I just wish more places actually had baskets for two babies. We've only seen them at Sams, Costco, and our local HEB grocery store.
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