Princess Mary expecting twins (born - boy and girl)

Discussion in 'General' started by Code, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

  2. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :clapping: I wondered if anyone would post this with me in and off online. It is so excited! These babies will be 4th and 5th in the line of succession.
  3. twinstuff-old

    twinstuff-old Well-Known Member

    Wow. I had never heard of Princess Mary, but just doing some, eh, research right now, she is very attractive. I can see why there are comparisons to Jackie Kennedy and Lady Diana (sorry, Kendra). So she's Australia-born but now married to the future King of Denmark? And I see in her bio she briefly attended grade school here in the Houston area down in Clear Lake! (that's near NASA) That is really cool. Congrats and I hope the pregnancy goes well.
  4. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

    That is correct! It is a very interesting story! I hope they have a happy and healthy pregnancy also :)

    Kendra I thought of you when I read it and wondered if you had seen it so posted it!
  5. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Craig, I'll post more about then when I'm on my computer at home. I used to moderate a board that had tons of Mary ...debate.....
  6. Legsy

    Legsy Well-Known Member

    Princess Mary was all over the news here a few years ago, when she first got married (I live in Australia) Then when she had her first son and after she had a daughter. I haven't seen her in the news for a while, how many children does she have now? She is very attractive and I really envied her when she married into all that wealth!!
  7. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They just have the 2, Prince Christian (who is the heir) and Princess Isabella. The first born males in the family always alternate between Christian and Frederick so we knew Christian would be Christian when he came out. That family keeps the names secret until the baptism so Isabella was a surprise name. (Frederick's brother Joachim has Nikolai, Felix and Henrik)

    Currently, Denmark has a Queen, Margarethe. She is amazing. She was actually sorta "voted in". King Frederick IX only had daughters and they couldn't ascend the throne. They changed the constitution and held a referendum and Margarethe became the Heiress Presumptive.

    Fred and Mary met at a bar called the Slip In at the 2000 Olympics. That board I used to mod had an adore/hate with the passion of a thousand suns relationship with her (it was ever so much fun) I'm somewhere in the middle. She's not my favourite but I certainly don't dislike her. Fred was one of my "gateway princes". When I started this serious royal watching thing, he was single and a top dog in the royal watching world.
  8. twinstuff-old

    twinstuff-old Well-Known Member

    So are there any other twins out there who are also in line of succession to a royal throne in any other country?
  9. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

    Good question Craig!
  10. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ok, I'm home. Was working on this in the hotel but I hate laptop keyboards.

    These babies will be 4th and 5th in line for the throne after their brother and sister.

    In Belgium there is Nicholas and Aymeric. They are 4 and currently 13th and 14th in line for the throne. (their father is King Albert's younger son) Pic here (from a Birkin blog)

    In The Netherlands, Queen Beatrix has twin niece/nephew Prince Jaime and Princess Margarita. I'm not sure where they are in the line of succession or even if they are in it at all. Quite the drama over their parents marriage. They are 37 now and were born 6 weeks premature. Jaime is a diplomat and Margarita had her drama with her first husband but she has settled in in recent years. Fairly recent picture with their father

    In Luxembourg there are 2 sets.The Grand Duke (like a king but a Grand Duke - his wife is Cuban btw if anyone is keeping track of that) He has twin brother/sister Prince Jean and Princess Margaretha. They are 53. Jean renounced his place in succession in 1986. No reason is given but his first child was born in 1985 and they got married in 1986. You can do the math. Margaretha is so far down the line of succession I don't think I can count it. She is married to Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein who is about 15-18 in line for that throne (I don't know how they count girls in the succession in Liechtenstein)(can't find any pics of them together)

    The Grand Duke's youngest brother Prince Guillaume has twins Prince Leopold and Princess Charlotte. They are 10. Leopold is 6th in succession (by my count) Charlotte is mega down the list. I can't find any recent pics of them.

    Not a ruling house but Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia has twins Prince Philip and Prince Alexander. They are 2 and 3 for the Yugoslav throne BUT though Crown Prince Alexander lost his place in line for the British throne by marrying a Catholic, Philip and Alexander are 95th and 96th so pretty King Ralph territory. They were born in Virginia in 1982.

    Those are the main royal twins I can think of. There are some on the fringes.

    -Prince Charles' stepdaughter Laura Lopes had twin boys Gus and Louie in December 2009 (no pictures)
    -Earl Mountbatten of Burma had twin grandsons Nicolas and Timothy. Nicholas died in the bombing that killed Mountbatten. recent article Prince Charles was their Godfather.
    -Princess Anne's son (Queen Elizabeth's oldest grandchild) is married to a Canadian twin Autumn Kelly. She has a brother Chris. (I've never seen a pic of them together)
    -Crown Princess Masako of Japan has twin younger sisters Setsuko and Reiko
    -Prince William and Harry have twin cousins Eliza and Katya though their mother's brother.
    -Queen Sonja of Norway has twin great nieces Betina and Emilie. They were bridesmaid/flowergirls for Princess Martha Louise
  11. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

    You have a lot of knowledge on twins Kendra!! That is very interesting! Thank you for sharing that information :)
  12. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    I agree with codie. This is an interesting thread, so cool :) I was wondering whether the news was posted on ts yet or not when I heard about it a few days ago. Thanks code
  13. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mary has made probably her last public appearance before the babies come. They have already said she isn't going to be at the family Christmas things. She looks good. (she's due mid Jan)
  14. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The family has a spread in the January edition of German Vogue. Mary poses in a gold dress surrounded by packing crates since they are moving into a new residence (video)


    She is due "mid-January" and I have to laugh with all the articles talking about how they will be premature and super early. By my count now (Jan 2) she should be @38 weeks with a mid-January due date.
  15. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'm getting 'page not found' on your links Kendra. :(
  16. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmm, me too. They were there earlier.

    Here is a different article.
  17. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    That is an amazing picture Kendra! :)
  18. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Perhaps her due date was actually the 37 or 38 weeks they are expecting with her? Beautiful pic & fascinating info, though.
  19. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They are here! A boy and a girl. Both in the high 5lbs range (5.10 her, 5.14 him)

    They won't be named until their baptisms since that is the custom of that royal family.

    Grandpa Henrik was the first visitor. From what I understand from my translation - they didn't announce sexes until after birth even to family. And grandpa isn't going to babysit.

    She was in labour for about 6 hours and it was a vag birth with 30 minutes between them.

    (I love Chrome's translator)

    They are born on Elvis' birthday. Christian and Isabella are with their maternal grandfather right now.

    (I'm not sure I really like the Elvis thing since Elvis lost his twin brother at birth)
  20. Hollie24

    Hollie24 Well-Known Member

    I know we will have to wait until the baptism to know the names, but I am personally hoping for Canute or Christopher for the boy (both historic names with strong associations with the Danish monarchy) and Philippa or Elisabeth for the girl (again, both names have historic connections with Denmark). I know Canute's a long shot, but as always i am hoping for some good medieval names!
  21. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    But Isabella is the Spanish version of Elizabeth. I saw Dagmar and Renate floated (Grandpa Henrik's mother was Renee)

    The older children are Christian Valdemar Henri John and Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe.
  22. Hollie24

    Hollie24 Well-Known Member

    Dagmar is good, but I don't like Renate. I'd also like to see the names Richenda or Ricarda resurrected, especially since they also have historical links to Denmark. They could also go with Thyra or Gustav too. Of course, if they really want to be radical, they could go with Gorm (medieval King and name last borne by a grandson of Frederick VIII)for the boy and Alexandrine for the girl.
  23. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They have gone home after a bout of jaundice. (2 pictures and a video)
  24. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

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