Prevacid Solutab Question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    How do you all give this to your babies?

    My daughter has a terrible time with it. I tried putting it into the corner of her mouth and squiting a little water in there to help it disolve, then I stick the paci in, but more come out than stays in...ugh!!!! I tried disovling it in water and giving it to her by syringe, but she forces it out with her tongue. I can't get her to swallow this...any other tricks to this?
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The best way for us, was putting it in the side of their cheeks, and then squirting a bit of water in to help it dissolve.
  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I used to just put it in the side of my DS's cheek. It dissolved quickly, but he also didn't mind it too much.

    ETA: They should really quit telling people to dissolve it in some water and administer it with a syringe. I don't think that has worked for anyone on here. I tried a million things like putting it the bottle with just a bit of water, the syringe, putting a of water on a spoon and dissolving and trying to feed him what was on the spoon, etc. Finally I called my Uncle who is pharmacist and he said to just try putting it in his cheek and it worked. I thought he was too young for us to try it, but it worked just fine.
  4. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    I would crush it.

    Put a tablet into tablespoon, then teaspoon over it and apply gentle pressure. It crushes so fast into a sand like mixture. Then I would just open the mouth and put to the side of the cheek or let her eat it from the spoon.

    Worked great for us because mixing it in the syringe was hard because I always felt she didn't get all of it in.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I put it in my dd's cheek but held it there with the tip of my finger, then I squirted small amounts of water in with a syringe to help dissolve it faster. Finally I squirted some water on my finger and let her suck the remaining bit off, that seemed to work the best for us! :hug:
  6. tfrost

    tfrost Well-Known Member

    We tried everything for the solutabs...crushing up and putting it in their mouths, crushing them up and adding a little water, syringes, trying to hold them under their tongues or inside their cheeks until they melted. We have gaggers and consequently pukers. Every way we tried to give this or any other kind of medicine to them ended up in a lovely puking. We finally found a solution that worked for us, and we ran it by our pedi to make sure she was ok with this method. We dissolved the tabs in about a quarter to half an ounce of formula (or you can use expressed BM if you need to). We usually did this right before their evening bottles. We had a stockpile of little tiny bottles from the NICU and we were able to put regular nipples and caps on them. I would warm up the dissolved mixture in a small cup of water for a minute or two, and we had very little problems with that. We gave the Prevacid to them that way for almost 4 months. Good luck and you may want to try this way a time or two to see if it would work for you.
  7. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    Wouldnt do that take away the effect of the med though? That is if you administer it right before a feeding, arent you suppose to wait 30 min? Also does it get stuck in the nipple or in the nipple ring? I think you are referring to the 2oz bottles from the NICU?
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I drew up 4 mls of water and put the tab in the syringe to dissolve. Then I stuck it in the side of their cheeks and rotated the syringe as I squirted to get all the granules out.
  9. tfrost

    tfrost Well-Known Member

    We tried every way we could imagine to get the medicine in my little monkeys and that was the way we ended up being successful. If we gave the medicine to them in the formula mixture too far ahead of an actual bottle feeding, they would get extremely mad and cranky thinking it should be their bottle time. As I said, we ok'd everything with our pedi before having to move on to desperate measures. As far as the nipples getting clogged, we ended up having to use Dr. Brown's Y nipple so the granules could pass ok through them. And yep, we used the little 2 oz. bottles from the NICU. I had been pumping breastmilk for them during their 8 and 10-week NICU stays, so we had piles and piles of those bottles :)
  10. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We use the syringe method. Dissolve the tab in about 5 mL of water, draw it up, and DS literally sucks it out of the syringe as we depress the plunger. If there are any granules left in the syringe, we just draw up a few more mLs of water. He gets all excited when he sees us getting his pill ready. We love his "strawberry breath" after we give it to him, lol.
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