Prevacid, Reflux, Sleepless Baby...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinboys07, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Jacob was my star sleeper in the first months... until his reflux got really severe and he stopped sleeping entirely (20 mins here and there...). He went on Prevacid shortly thereafter, but the sleep stayed funky. I remember thinking early on that he seemed kind of keyed up on Prevacid but I told myself to not overthink it and to try and just follow the plan (I love to research things and sometimes my family thinks I should just listen to the experts w/o including my two cents... :rolleyes: ). We blamed the fitful sleep on everything else-- teething, gas, overtiredness-- for 4 months.

    Last week I took him to the doctor because I thought maybe he had an ear infection... we were all getting over a cold, he hadn't been sleeping (even moreso than normal), and was a total fussybutt. No ear infection, but I talked to the doctor about his Prevacid. When I asked if it could be keeping him up at night, she said it very well may be, and she suggested I consider taking him off to see how he would do. I went home and did some research and saw that several adults have complained of insomnia and a stimulant-type effect from Prevacid... so, we decided to try taking him off of it. Almost immediately, he started sleeping!!! He slept in until 8 am consistently (versus 5 am previously), and his naps increased from 20-40 to almost 60 minutes! So now I feel like the world's worst mom, keeping my kid on this drug that was having a pretty significant stimulant effect, for 4 months!!! I know he needed reflux relief, but I wish I had done something different... I wish I had followed my gut about him being edgy & restless on Prevacid.

    On top of that, I am concerned because he's showing some signs that he is refluxing more now than he was on the Prevacid, so I worry that he's being negatively impacted by being off of it. I'd rather weather the reflux than have him on a drug that harms him... but it's still a tough call. I also worry that the Prevacid might have lasting side effects... and I am just very regretful.

    I know a lot of other people have gained great relief from Prevacid, and I don't really want to debate whether anyone should use it... aside from the side effects, it WAS a great med for my DS. I just feel bad for putting him through so much agitation at such a small age.... I have lots of drug allergies, and he has lots of ALLERGIES, period... so I wish I had been more sensitive and followed my intuition.

    Thanks for listening.... World's Worst Mommy signing off!
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I am sorry for everything you are going through. It is so hard to not worry. For us, the prevacid did not effect the sleep. I completely believe you when you say it effected your sons sleep. Although I have to ask, is there any way he is sleeping longer coincidently because he is older (how long has he been off the prevacid?). I know you have already thought this through but just wanted to ask.

    Did your Dr. comment or have any insight about Prevacid doing harm (aside from not sleeping)? I remember hearing that untreated reflux can actually be harmful to the baby. I think your best solution is to find a medicine that can treat his reflux without the side effect that the Prevacid was giving him. I know there are a handful of meds that others have been successful with.
  3. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Jan 16 2008, 04:56 PM) [snapback]575547[/snapback]
    I am sorry for everything you are going through. It is so hard to not worry. For us, the prevacid did not effect the sleep. I completely believe you when you say it effected your sons sleep. Although I have to ask, is there any way he is sleeping longer coincidently because he is older (how long has he been off the prevacid?). I know you have already thought this through but just wanted to ask.

    Did your Dr. comment or have any insight about Prevacid doing harm (aside from not sleeping)? I remember hearing that untreated reflux can actually be harmful to the baby. I think your best solution is to find a medicine that can treat his reflux without the side effect that the Prevacid was giving him. I know there are a handful of meds that others have been successful with.

    Yes, my PED said that untreated reflux could lead to lots of bad things including ulcers. Please try him on another drug. I have been reading lately about an antibiotic that actually helps with reflux and has basically no side effect.
  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel about the "should have known". I have BTDT on several issues, and I'm so sorry you're feeling that way too. You're a great mom!

  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mrsfussypants @ Jan 16 2008, 06:54 PM) [snapback]575632[/snapback]
    I know how you feel about the "should have known". I have BTDT on several issues, and I'm so sorry you're feeling that way too. You're a great mom!


    Me too! I think almost their whole first year was like that for me. Erin, do not think that of yourself. You tried something and it did not work so now you have to try something different. It is nothing you should feel guilty about. (I should have put that in my first post.)

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to let you know that reflux gets worst before it gets better so I wouldn't let yourself worry that the prevacid made it worst. I am sorry to hear that it did not work but like PP said, perhaps you can find another drug that works.
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