
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by veggiehead, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    I know, they are still so young, but I have heard that some people around start applying for preschools when they are pregnant...I swear! (It is crazy, IMO) So, it go me thinking...should I be started to look? Better yet, when did you guys start to look for preschools? Thanks so much!
  2. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Hi there! My boys just turned one, and I have started casually looking. Our local multiples group recently held a seminar on preschool selection, which was really helpful with explaining the different school types, approaches, and requirements.

    We live in a very "competitive" city in terms of preschools where the top schools have long waitlists and people often sign up when pregnant. But...there are also tons of good schools that don't require that craziness. Personally, I don't want my kids going to ultra-competitive schools, and most of them are expensive and far from home (another big consideration for us). That said though, I am starting to educate myself now. I'll probably try to do a few tours of local preschools beginning next year and narrow it down to a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. I'm a planner, so it's kind of my nature to start planning early.
  3. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I think it depends where you live and how many quality preschools are available in your area.

    I didn't start looking until after the girls were 2 and I couldn't believe I was behind!! Luckily we do have a lot of good preschools in our area, so I got them into a good program after being placed on a couple waiting lists. I think it can't hurt to check them out and ask about the likelihood of needing to be placed on a waiting list, etc. My guess is that Chicago is probably fairly competitive, but that there are probably also a lot of good schools to choose from.

    Can't hurt to be planning ahead!
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    It does depend on where you are. I have casually looked into them- and been to a local seminar on what to look for in a preschool for you needs.

    I have a few ideas of where I would like them to go- but I will start looking more intently this spring, and enroll in Fall. It is not very crowded in most of ours because there are a lot of options and the economy is tight so people are option out of preschool more than usual.
  5. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    There is one 3 year preschool program in our area that is very competetive to get into. You basically have to be on the wait list since birth or while pregnant since they only take 5 boys and 5 girls. The program is fabulous but we were new to the area and I only got the boy's names on when they were 1.5yrs old.

    I have a large circle of friends who kids had been through the process of preschool selection. So I got alot of great backgrounders on each school. Word of the best IMO. I narrowed it down to three and then did site visits with the boys last January. Most enrollments begin in Feb/March for fall start. I ended up choosing the one that was closest to our home (only 3 minute drive...and that makes it SO nice). There is one main teacher and one teacher's aide for 14 kids. So a great teacher to student ratio. It's a clean new building and I like the content of the program. It's a good fit.

    It's never to early to start looking around....get your name on lists,etc. Once your kids are closer to enrollment time, you can do site visits and see what fits you and your children best at that point in time.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I've been researching it already, but we're not on a waiting list or enrolled or anything. There's not that much competition, but there's just a lot to learn about it all.
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I had a couple of preshools in mind from recommendations by family and friends that had older children. I started visiting them when the kids were 18 months-old and chose one and got on the waiting list. They happened to have an opening this fall so my kids started their 2-day program. So far I am very happy and the kids love it.

    I think it depends on where you live, but as a pp said I don't think it is ever really to early to start researching.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Around here you call a year in advance to get on the waiting list. So I will call next Aug. to enroll them in Sept. 2009 preschool.
  9. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Can't hurt to check out schools and put them on waiting lists. At the school I taught at we generally had a year waiting list. We had some that were on it longer. My twins have been on a waiting list almost a year for 2009. It just depends on the school.

  10. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping to enroll K&M in some kind of program for the fall of 2008. I haven't started looking yet. I'll probably make some appointments for tours/interviews after the holidays.
  11. needmoresleep

    needmoresleep Active Member

    Where we live preschool is BIG business. Lotteries are all over the place. Most waiting lists and lotteries here begin in February for the Fall. I have also found with twins it can be harder finding a place with 2 spots because 1 is hard to come by. Some schools will take them as early as 18 months. We started looking and getting our names on lists 2 months after the older ones turned 1.
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We weren't even looking for a preschool, we sort of fell into the one they are going to. We were at a local fair and the preschool had a booth, this was back in the spring. We found out they have a two year old program, so we got more info, stopped by the school and stuff, and then signed them up. Luckily, we got the last two spots for the the morning class. We're not in one of those areas where people put kids on lists while they are pregnant, but maybe start looking 6 months in advance.
  13. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen, I think I told you before that my sister lives in the city. Her son is now in his second year of prechool at St Alphonsus. I think she began to look when he was two. She is also a reading specialist in the city so let me know if you have any questions about particular schools in your area. She is familar with a lot of schools.
  14. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Holy!!! Now, I am nervous! I better start looking...Thank you so much!!!
  15. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm just starting now for next FALL's registration! The application process is in February! :blink:
  16. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I have decided to look around now and hopefully to get the registation going for Fall 2008 for preschool. They'll be 2 years old (Sept. 30th) and probably have them only 1 day a week. This will give me a break to do my errands without depending on my babysitter. I am a deaf Mom and need to make sure that my kiddies are doing fine with their speech/language skill, get over the with separation anxiety, and transition to their new friends/schedule.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
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