
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, May 18, 2009.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I am REALLY torn here.

    The boys don't turn 4 until Dec 7th. Because of their late birthday they wont start k until 2011. Meaning if I start them in preschool now they will go to preschool for 2 years rather then 1. I am pretty sure we are going to qualify for Head Start with the loss of hours we have taken of the past months so its not a cost issue. I really think it has to do with my own selfishness to be honest. I don't think I'm ready to send the boys to school yet. I KNOW they would love it and have a great time!

    So I guess what Im asking for is help making my choice. If your children had/have a late birthday would you send them to preschool for 2 years? Would it matter that its a 4 days a week program or would you want a 2-3 day a week thing.

    I guess I am the one that really needs to grow up here. I mean seriously its 3.5 hours a day.

    Any advice would be great!
  2. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    I'd send them, if I was a SAHM. My kids are in preschool/daycare since I work, but I know my kids have made some friends that they would not have otherwise, and they learn how to listen to teachers and how to act in a group. All good stuff to learn before they enter K, and their K teacher would appreciate it also. They also get to do stuff there that I never would have thought to do at home, the science projects and new books, and things. I'd probably opt for a 2/3 day program at first, then increase as their comfort level increased. But would depend on the convenience of what was offered and the cost.

    I know it will be hard for you to let them go, but once they get used to it, and at this age, probably won't take long, they'll have a great time, and you'll have a little more time for yourself and your new baby.
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I've always sent my kids to preschool for 2 years. 2 mornings a week the first year and 3 mornings the next year. I just can't afford to do it with 2 at once. I think it was a great transition to school and gave me a little break for running errands etc.
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Head start is a great program. I'd go for it. It might be tough at first, but you may also find it's a lot easier not having 3 kids all day.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Just think of the one on one time you'd have with the baby. I think it will help them in the long run. I'd say go for it. The four days a week is a lot to start out with.. is there any shorter or less days? I think it would do good for everyone involved. My 3 year olds loved the bus rides too! That was what I was the most nervous about.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We are doing 2 yrs of preschool. This past year they went 2 days a week and this coming year they will go 3 days. If you can swing it, then I would definitely go for it!
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I sent my girls for 2 yrs. They have a Nov birthday so they missed the cut off. I sent them for two days a week in the 3yr old class and then the following year they went 4 days a week. Both years they only went half days, we couldn't afford full days and since we have full day kindergarten I figured half days was good. I sent them for 2 years because I just had my son in Aug and I thought it would be good for them to get out and do things. Then while they were at school I got some nice one on one time with my son. Right now I am trying to make this decision for my son. He can go to preschool in Sept in the 3yr old class but I am not sure if I am ready to send him to school yet. He is my baby and most likely my last and I just don't want him going to school and growing up so quickly. My dh thinks he is ready to go and thinks he will enjoy it so it's really me that isn't ready to let go of him. We would also have to pay for him to go so the money part is also something I worry about and if can afford it at that time. Good luck on your decision I know how tough it is to make.
  8. ellas_mom

    ellas_mom Well-Known Member

    My girls are born in July & in our town we have a preschool at the elementary school. They started the month after they turned 3 going to 5 mornings a week preschool! They love it. My older DD is in the older preschool class so they had seen her going the year before and couldn't wait to go. I am a SAHM so it wasn't an issue of child care but for my girls who are very social, they love the interaction with the other children and their teachers. It has been worth every penny we spend watching them blossom & hear all the things that they learn & how proud they are of themselves. Good luck with your decision! :)
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would go for it!

    My girls did 2 mornings a week this year (they are about 8 weeks older than your boys--also due 12/5/05, but born Oct 9th) that we paid for at a small local preschool....

    They will most likely be in Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) 4 mornings a week next year (free preschool).

    That mean 2 years of preschool--BUT that said, we enrolled them this year for socialization ( 6 kids in class) and it was 4 hours a week. It made a HUGE difference for one of my DDs.

    It was recc. by her Occupational Therapist for preschool again (and more hours a week) BEFORE Kindergarten. Since they qualify for GSRP and it is free---much to my sadness , we will send them because it will help prep them for K and build social skills that I simply cant do at home.

    I am glad we did 2 years---4 days at once would have been overwhelming, but 2 was perfect this year. Next Fall 4 days will be a great transition to all day K (which is all that will be available when they start K in our area).

    You could try it out, it would give you time with the baby- help them build friends and allow you a bit more time to get things done. If you are unhappy, you could pull them out (easier than trying to get them in later)

    HeadStart/GSRP in our area are WONDERFUL and I am glad to have an opportunity to let them go to GSRP, otherwise we could not afford 4 day a week preschool before K.

  10. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    My DD has a mid-September birthday, so she's in the same situation. She actually misses our cut-off by only 9 days. I sent her to pre-school this year and she will go again next year before she can attend Kindergarten.

    However, if you don't want to send them - don't!!!! This is also the ONLY time in their lives where you have the choice to just let them stay home and enjoy the time together. If you don't want to send them yet because you're really enjoying that time, then don't. They aren't going to be behind because they only went to one year of pre-school. You're also not being selfish. Letting a 4 year old stay home with Mom all day isn't depriving them of anything! :D

    I had no intentions of sending my DD to pre-school for two years; I was iffy about pre-school in general. My DD had other ideas though. We live fairly close to the pre-school in our town and drive by it several times a week. Because our kids don't go to day care, she was constantly talking about going and when could she. If I was a SAHM, I would NOT have sent her this year as I'd have wanted that time together. My boys will not be going to pre-school next year, so they will end up with only one year of pre-school.

    Honestly, pre-school in itself is an option (I'm not talking about children who have any degree of special needs). It is not necessary to be successful in Kindergarten! If you have expectations and boundaries at home, they will transition just fine to a school setting and listening to the teacher. If you really want to keep them home, I would - without any guilt!
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    If I were having the same questions as you, I would start them the first year 2-3 days a week. THEY LOVE IT and they learn stuff that I don't think to teach them. For me it's been a WONDERFUL thing. I have cherished my time (that I deserve!) to run errands and play tennis and workout. I see NO downside to sending them - but that's just me!

    It's YOUR decision and I know you will do what's right for you guys!!! :hug:
  12. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JicJac @ May 18 2009, 12:11 PM) [snapback]1318077[/snapback]
    Just think of the one on one time you'd have with the baby. I think it will help them in the long run. I'd say go for it. The four days a week is a lot to start out with.. is there any shorter or less days? I think it would do good for everyone involved. My 3 year olds loved the bus rides too! That was what I was the most nervous about.

    I wish I could only send them 2 days a week. if that were the case I would not have even posted the question the problem is they MUST go 4 days a week in Head Start:( Thats where Im worried. But like I said above it is only 3.5 hours a day... I guess Ill just turn in the info and make sure they qualify which Im just about positive they will and go from there but thank you every one for the great info!
  13. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I'll be the dissenting vote. I wouldn't do it. You're planning to send them for a year anyway, right? So all the benefits that people are touting are ones they'll get next year. But this is the last year they get to be home with you. You sound torn, which tells me that you'd kind of like them home with you. Kids learn valuable life lessons from actively involved parents, so it's not like not sending them means they're going to be stagnating. There are lots of fun educational activities you can do with them that really don't take very much time or planning, here's a list to some: . And not sending them this year means they get that much more time to just be kids and to be little for the last time in their lives, why rush them growing up?
  14. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had a nanny - she quit and we put the kids (almost 2 1/2) in a family daycare. It's not a pre-school, but they have activities. The kids LOVE IT, LOVE IT..they go 4 hours a day and every time we drop them off, they RUN into the daycare.

    Honestly, I wouldn't even hesitate.
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest DD has an Oct. b-day so she started K a year later. She started 3 year old preschool the year she was turning 4, so she started it in Sept. and was 3, and turned 4 6 weeks into the 3 year old program. So for the 4 year old program, she turned 5 six weeks after it started. She did 2 years of preschool before starting all day K.
  16. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat. My boys turn 4 on 12/21 and I signed mine up for a tot program that is 3 days a week for 2.5 hours each day at my local rec center. I believe it will be good for them to get out experience a school like environment and get them used to more structure while learning to play with others and be familiar with letters, numbers etc. If all goes well I will put them in there next year also, there is also an option for 5 days a week so we will see. I say go for it...
  17. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    My older DD has absolutely loved preschool, and thrived in it -- she went two mornings a week at 2, three mornings a week at 3, and four mornings a week at 4. I've been really happy with the way this turned out -- but, she loved it so much that she was always asking to go every day. I feel like she's more than ready to start K in the fall after this experience, and I plan to do the same thing with my younger two.

    So, I would do it if you can!
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