Preschool Snacktime

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Two_more_cookies, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Two_more_cookies

    Two_more_cookies Well-Known Member

    My lil cookies have started school. Apparently they had no qualms about being left there yesterday. DH dropped them off and they got to playing right away so he just left. When he got back DD said "I knew you would come back for us daddy." :D I reminded him ALWAYS say goodbye!

    Anyway...we share snack time duty with the other parents at the school. There are 16 kids in the class and it has been requested that only healthy snacks be provied for the children which is great but I have NO IDEA what to send.

    I am unsure if there are peanut allergies but I would not like any one to discover they have one when it's our turn.

    Any help with this one would be GREATLY appreciated!!

  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    These have been on our calendar:
    white popcorn
    graham crackers
    string cheese
    cut up apples
    jello cups
    goldfish crackers
    carrot sticks
    cut up fruit (your choice)
    cheese and crackers
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Depending on how you send snack (and how often), some of the items below might work:

    almond butter
    sliced cheese
    cherry tomatoes
    cut up red peppers
    semi-cooked mini carrots
    hard boiled eggs apple slices
    pear slices
    sliced cucumber
    whole wheat pretzels
    sliced ham rolled with cream cheese

    My girls get snack at their school on a daily basis. A typical snack might be two crackers, one slice of cheese and one slice of apple. Or one slice of cucumber, one pretzel, and half a hard boiled egg. The snacks seem really small to me, but the teachers say they have a hard time getting kids to sit for much more than a few bites.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    What a great idea to share snack time. We don't have that but I sure wish we did. Might I suggest homemade granola bars. Super easy to make and will feed a ton and super healthy!! Here's the link....playgroup granola bars

    Here's what I send with my girls:
    fruit cups and my girls especially love the fruit n cream cups by Del Monte
    String cheese
    Go-gurts that have been frozen
    applesauce in assorted flavors
    yogurt covered raisins
  5. Two_more_cookies

    Two_more_cookies Well-Known Member

    Wow...thanks! I am going to try the granola recipe this weekend!

    I secretly want to send the best that wrong?

    Anyway, great suggestions!

  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    That is not wrong at all!! I am the same way! I stressed for a week trying to come up with the best snack to take to my son's football game Saturday!!

    Immitation crab meat (all 5 of my kids LOVE this!)

    they have already sliced, prepackaged apples - maybe those and those small pkgs of caramel apple dip (that is coming from me sitting here wanting a caramel apple :laughing: and may be too messy for little ones but mmmmm!)

    Watermelon (if prepackaged is not a requirement!)

    my girls LOVE black olives straight from the can

    in the cheese/lunch meat section they have cubed cheese and cubes of ham/turkey. My kids also love pepperoni staight from the bag - not real nutritious probably

    blueberry muffins


    I buy Veggie Straws at Sam's they are an alternative to potato chips my girls love them and they are made with tomato, spinich and potato

    At Sam's I also buy containers of already cut fresh pineapple which the kids LOVE
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