Preschool question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gg22, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. gg22

    gg22 Active Member

    The boys just turned 3 yesterday and will starting preschool a couple of days a week this fall. My question for all of you who have been there .... should we put them into the same classroom, or separate them. So far, they have spent their entire lives together and for the most part, get along well.
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I'd start them together and let them be seperated if necessary.
    We did this and found that my boys were independent enough to be separated and actually needed to be as they sort of antagonized one another during story time. So next year we'll separate them.
  3. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    We're going to start together in the fall. I'd like to have them get aclimated together and then we'll separate as they get friends. Once they're in elementary school we plan to separate. Since they have been together since birth, I don't want to go so drastic as to start school for the first time and not have each other. I have a feeling that they'll make friends and start to have their own friends as well as each other.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine have always been in separate classes. Just because they were always together before, I didn't think was a valid reason for keeping them together--they other kids don't get to start school with a buddy. Actually, it turned out to be a good thing for us, because Jon ended up having to switch schools due to speech/behavior issues, and since they were already apart, it wasn't an issue when Jon was no longer at the Nursery School.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm starting together in preschool. I think they'll get separated in K - so I don't want to rush the process!!! Preschool should be FUN, if they are upset about not being with the other or something - it might not be as good an experience. JMO!
  6. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i worry about this now, even though it is still a little bit away. right now, they don't like to do anything w/out each other. i almost think that being separated would be a good thing, kwim? but then i think it might be traumatic, so i don't know what i'm going to do.
  7. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    We are starting ours together this fall. The director at the school they will be attending has twins and she recommended them being together. I will be teaching there as well, but not in their class.
  8. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine have been together at preschool for two years now. Their teacher this year was a twin mom and she told me to keep them together again next year. I will probably separate mine in Kinder or 1st grade. If they've never been to school before it might be comforting for them to be in the same class and have eachother!
  9. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We kept ours together for preschool. I just thought it would be easier for me since if I seperated them I would have to put one in the morning class and one in the afternoon and I didn't want to do that for our first year of preschool. They are in their second year now for preschool and I decided to keep them together again even though they had more than one class that I could have seperated them into (again it was more for me to make things easier with class trips and things since they do class only trips and not school). I figured for preschool them being together was no big deal they don't always play with each other at school and socialize well with others so I wasn't worried about keeping them together. Now this fall in Kindergarten they will be seperated, I figured it's a new school and I figured I wanted them seperated eventually so why not at a new school and they are actually happy about being seperated. I have told them they are no longer going to be in the same class and as of now they are fine with it.
  10. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just filled out the form for my girls to be together. I was going to let the school decide, but decided for this year I think I would like them together. Not sure about next year. I know I do not want them together in kindergarten.
  11. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    When I was a kindergarten teacher the school's policy was to separate twins so they could make twice as many friends, gain some independence, and have lots to talk about after school. The parents usually enjoyed the experience of having their children in different classes.
  12. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    My girls were together in their 2 year old preschool and did great. Their teacher asked if we wanted them together or separated for the 3 year old class. My first thought was to keep them together, but I asked her thoughts before saying anything. She said she thought they would do better together. Since we all agreed, they will be together. I think I will eventually split them up, but I am thinking we will not do that until 1st grade.
  13. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We started them together and just plan to see how it goes. This past year they did great. The teacher actually said they rarely play with each other as they each have their own interests. We will just take it year by year and see how it goes.
  14. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    My kids are together in their 2 year class in daycare. Next year, for the 3's, I do plan to separate them. It doesn't sound like mine are having any issues (sister bothering brother or brother bothering sister, etc) but since they will be separated in Kindergarten, we are going to try it. I stated that I would try them separated next year (or when they transition) and see how it goes. Good luck!
  15. gg22

    gg22 Active Member

    Thanks everybody! We were think that together to start would be best, and it sounds like pretty much everyone agrees. I really appreciate your input.
  16. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Mine are together (this year and next) and can't imagine them apart at this age. Kindergarten we'll probably separate.
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