preschool for 3 year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Shohenadel, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    My twins will be turning 3 in a few weeks and will be starting preschool in the fall. The school has 2 classrooms and we love both teachers (our older children went to the same school.) The first year they will go 2 mornings a week and then when they turn 4 they will go 3 mornings a week. I'm thinking of requesting that they be in the same class for the first year and then maybe split them up the second year. I don't really see any need to separate them now...they get along well, but aren't overly dependent on each other...they have been together every single day of their lives and the thought of separating them when they are 3 just doesn't sit well with me. I feel like it's a new experience for them and they might like to be together. I was thinking that we would probably separate them the second year though so they can have some experience being apart, especially if they need to be apart in full day kindergarten in the future. Both classes at the preschool do a lot together..they play together every day outside and do other various activities so I think it would be a good transition year for them. Does this make sense to any of you who are also making these types of decisions right now? I haven't asked the school yet about their policy but I was hoping that the parents would have a say, especially when they are only 3 years old.
    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  2. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    My husband and I were just talking about this. Our boys are now 3-1/2 and the idea was brought up to us to separate them even now. They do make their own friends, but they seem comforted they are in the same classroom. They are slightly dependent on each other, but not overly. So DH and I were thinking when they turn 4, we may consider separating them. Originally we were so certain we weren't going to split them until after kindergarten, but now I see the benefits of them being apart. Teachers could start to compare them in class, they start to compete with friends, there's just too much surrounding them that puts them together and then at home they are together still. Being apart from each other in school allows them to have their own time and no competition between them, friends, or made by the teachers. They become more self-reliant and less dependent on each other to get things done. A lot of schools nowadays are trying to keep the same grade classes similar so kids don't come home with very different homework assignments and different expectations. So, I too may be separating my boys when they are 4 years old.
  3. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    Our twins are 3 and in preschool this year. I have them in the same class, but they are not that dependent on each other and they each do their own thing. I think it made for an easier transition for leaving mom for a morning. Our girls are fraternal and look quite different and I tend not to dress them the same so there has never been an issue with telling them apart. I think we will keep them together next year too. If they get too dependent on each other in school then in Kindergarten we will consider splitting them up.
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine are together as well but there's only one class... I'm planning on separating them as soon as possible though. They usually do their own thing, but still tend to gravitate towards each other instead of the other kids and are still shy around other kids... so there's no doubt in my mind that they should be split.

    It does depend on your kids though, I know some pretty much ignore each other at school, but either way I always recommend splitting, just so they can have their own friends (and even if you can in the same class, it's more difficult and can create more situations of jealousy, rivalry etc). I was with my sister until 14 and really resent it, although my parents never really got the choice, but it really wasn't any fun at all... although I think we were split in nursery school.
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